I hate how I look in pictures.

I'm 5'6" and currently weigh 183lbs. I've lost a good amount of weight since the beginning of this year. About 30lbs give or take. I still would like to lose at least another 30lbs. My profile pic is me at about 165lbs. I would be pretty happy to get back to that at least.

I just HATE how I look in pictures. =( I feel like I look so huge still. My face is still chunky, my arms are big. You can't even tell I have a shape. I'm just feeling super down on myself right now. I'm proud of my weight loss but I still feel so unattractive and just...big. I know I'm not that repulsive because I go on dates and get compliments from friends and coworkers but I just see myself as a cow. =/

All I can think of is just to buckle down, get back to being strict and just work at it. I've stalled out bouncing up and down 5lbs for a few months now because I've gotten lax again with my eating habits. However, I've been exercising pretty regularly and intensely and I feel so good after every workout. I feel strong and sexy. I just want to get to my goal and feel attractive and good about myself all the time, no matter what I wear. I want to see a photo of me and think, darn I look great!

Some advice or tips to not be so hard on myself would be greatly appreciated. I'm 25 and I still have poor self image/esteem. Please share how you feel good about yourself, even if you look at a less than flattering photo.


  • jrmalice
    jrmalice Posts: 23 Member
    Photos have never been a strong suit of mine. I'm usually the guy who looks goofy because once upon a time I convinced myself that it's better to be funny & entertaining than attractive. I know this doesn't really help your direct question, but that's how I wake up and keep going every day.

    That being said...

    I think that most guys will agree with me, that being "an attractive woman" has less to do with pure aesthetics and measurements and more to do with attitude and confidence. Most of us know at least one woman from our past that would qualify as a "perfect 10," but just happened to be a total b_tch. In my own experience I've known many a "pretty girl" to be mean, down right cruel. It didn't matter how round her tush was or how perky her boobs were, her soul was UGLY and because of that the "over all package" was ugly.

    Of course, you've got every right in the world to chase after the aesthetic you want, but it's sad to see someone beat themselves up.
  • bandgsmom1
    bandgsmom1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm right there with you. I hate seeing pictures of myself. A picture I saw of me a couple months ago still haunts me and is one if the reasons I'm committed to loosing weight.

    I'm glad your dates are complimentary. My boyfriend always tells me I'm beautiful and that is a huge help.

    I've really been working on buying clothing that is flattering to my size, shape and height. My arms are pretty flabby and I try for sleeves that hide them and aren't too tight. I got some ideas from an Internet search.

    Lastly, I try to remember that being beautiful isn't all about what's on the outside. I'm sure you are a wonderful, caring person and that is the most important thing.

    Please feel free to add me. We can encourage each other along the way.

    Keep up the great work!
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,042 Member
    Have a read of this - it is VERY interesting, and may give you some objective distance on how you feel about pictures of yourself:

  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Beating yourself up is dull, pointless and countrerpoductive.

    you managed to survive this long being 60lbs overweight and now you are half that but miserable, yay that makes sense... illogical.

    You simply need to be patient. I think ive found what has an equal effect on how you look is lifting, it gives your body better definition.

    To lose 30lbs could be achieved this year, so its really not that long. I just thinks its a bit late to start worrying now, give yourself a pass becayse you need to be at your best to diet and just get on with it. Im quite private anyway so I generally dont like having photos taken. People have found great comfort in having before and after plus mid journey pic.

    I manage not to be hard on myself by being my own friend. It achieves nothing.
  • JRitaK
    JRitaK Posts: 62 Member
    Thank you all for your responses.