Frame Size



  • jenniferwoodweeg
    jenniferwoodweeg Posts: 45 Member
    I am on the larger frame size. For instance , my friend is 5'7 w/small frame(narrower hips and shoulders,etc) and so am I. We both weighed 145 and she looked overweight while I looked normal weight.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I have the opposite problem :( I'm 5'6 and roughly 139, and still chubby! I'm within my healthy weight range, but because I'm small framed I look fatter than other girls do at my same height and weight... According to MY DOC, a good weight for me would be about 120-125, as far as too actually look on the thin- average side. I can even go all the way down to 114-115 safely. OMG, I can never lose that much weight :( It has taken me months to get from 155 too 139! How can I ever make it to the 120's again?? Now I wish I was larger framed so that I could look normal at a normal weight! This isn't fair :( I'm semi tall, weigh 139 and still have a freakin double chin and huge bread basked and fat arms... wtf???

    A girl above said shes 5'5 and when she weighed 135 she was skin and bones :( Ugh I wish, I only got 4 pounds to go to be 135, and at 5'6 I'm still gonna look chubbyish :( SO discouraging!

    This is me. You will be amazed at what your body can do that you think it can't. Keep going - you will get there.
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    I am undecided on my final GW. I'm 5'5 174lbs and a size 12. I only have 24 pounds to drop to finally be a healthy BMI. I see people on here my height with GW's of like 105-110. I think if I got that small I would look sickly, and I would loose my natural DD's. I want to keep my boobs, but I'd be okay if they shrunk a little to maybe a C at smallest. I've always considered myself very proportionate with the hourglass figure. I'm thinking my GW should be 130, my healthy BMI is 112-150. So 130 would be in the middle and comfortable for me I think?
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    No. I'm sorry but it is very easy when you are overweight to justify it through "frame" size or body shape or any number of other excuses. I've been there and done that. Work on losing the weight one step at a time and let your goals adjust along the way as you make honest changes to your lifestyle. You just may surprise yourself.

    I have been honest with myself that's how I've lost 53 lbs. I also know that when I was 14 I weighed 140 and fit into a size five jean and no one could ever accuse me of being overweight. I just think the goal weight on here is not necessarily something I would consider attractive for my own person.

    Thanks for the feed back everyone :)
  • pwnderosa
    pwnderosa Posts: 280 Member
    I'm always curious about this too, I don't really understand it. I think I have an average frame I suppose, maybe on the smallish side, I do have a small head and small wrists... But most of my adult life I have been around the top of my BMI range and relatively happy with it, except for the two times I got chubby. I have wide hips and a fair amount of curves and I don't tend to look as heavy as the scale I just don't know!

    My goal weight is set to the top of my BMI range but since I now exercise more than I have since high school, I might keep losing when I get there, I'm really not sure what to do once I lose these last 8 lbs to get me into my BMI range, but I plan to keep logging definitely.
  • toutmonpossible
    toutmonpossible Posts: 1,580 Member
    Frame size does matter, but it's only one of several factors that you have to consider in determining an appropriate weight. They include:

    Weight history
    Family members' healthy weight ranges
    Body fat percentage
    Body fat distribution patterns (having an "apple" shape is considered to be more troubling than being "pear" shaped)
    Activity Level
  • SteelySunshine
    SteelySunshine Posts: 1,092 Member
    My wrist is nearly 7 inches around, My shoulders span around 19 inches, I assume that when I lose more weight my shoulders will not be near as wide, but I don't see them going under a 16 inch span which is still wider than average, I don't believe they have been that narrow on me since my mid teens. When I wasn't huge they said things about me like I was built like a brick house. So, no I may not even hit the top range for BMI for my height. But, I assume it is safe enough for me to get down to a healthy BF% which is what I am aiming for whether I hit that at 240 or 180. Then I will see if I want to go lower than that percent for a more athletic BF%.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    frame size absolutely does affect how much you weigh when you're at a healthy body fat percentage. However it's extremely difficult to measure accurately, especially when you're obese. If you're fairly lean, it's obvious, by how much you weigh and how big your ribs, shoulders etc are when you're at a healthy body fat percentage. But if your entire frame is covered by a layer of fat, then how do you know where the fat ends and the bones/muscles begin?

    It's a lot more reliable to focus on body fat percentage rather than weight. 25% body fat is 25% body fat regardless of height or frame size. The ranges for body fat percentage are different for men and women.

    Get your body fat percentage measured reliably, and aim to get that into the healthy range. You can calculate how much you'll weigh at your ideal body fat percentage, and you can determine what body fat percentage to aim for, by what kind of look you want, i.e. if you want visible abs and muscle definition, for women you'd have to be around 15% body fat (assuming you also do weight training, if you don't develop your muscles you'll just look starved at 15% bf). If you want a "softer" look, i.e. firm but without visible definition, then you would aim to stay above 20% body fat. Leigh Peele's blog has a free download with everything you could possibly want to know about body fat percentage, including different ways to measure it and what men and women look like at different body fat percentages. - this is a lot more reliable than trying to estimate your frame size and basing your goal weight on that.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Frame size makes a difference..I have a small frame.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    Absolutely. I'm 5'1" and typical bmi charts put me in a healthy weight range of 97-118lbs. I haven't weighed that since like 6th grade lol. Since becoming an adult my lowest weight was around 122. Once I figured out that I have a large frame I discovered mt healthy weight range is actually 125-140. Makes sense!!!
  • seabee78
    seabee78 Posts: 126 Member
    Frame size definitely matters. Mike Tyson (in his prime) was 5'10" 220lbs. But he was solid.

    Many 5'10" guys with smaller frames would be fat at 220 lbs.
  • ElyseL1
    ElyseL1 Posts: 504 Member
    Absolutely. I'm 5'1" and typical bmi charts put me in a healthy weight range of 97-118lbs. I haven't weighed that since like 6th grade lol. Since becoming an adult my lowest weight was around 122. Once I figured out that I have a large frame I discovered mt healthy weight range is actually 125-140. Makes sense!!!

    We're buddies! I wasnt even in the 118 range in middle school I think my lowest weight was 125 and that's when i had a growth spurt lol! I can honestly say I looked like a twig at that weight. I was really really skinny, I'm not sure it's possible since i'm a developed adult now :)
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    Yes, frame size does matter. Which is why there is a range for BMI.

    If you really want to know, get a water volume displacement test. That will tell you for certain, but the BMI range covers pretty much every situation, outside of extreme athletes.