Any ideas how I can maintain the weight lost through illness

I lost 85lbs a couple of years ago and have stayed at my weight of 135 lbs (5'5") since - upto Xmas then I was diagnosed with glaucoma in both eyes and wasn't allowed to drive till recently, so I got stressed out and ate, then my husband and I went to visit daughter in oz and when we got back I was 164 lbs, so I had gained 30lb since Xmas, I started to count my calories again, but then got an awful viral infection, which I couldn't eat proper or keep much down, for six weeks - I am just getting over it ---- so to my question, I have lost 25 lbs in the six weeks, so I only have 5 more pounds to lose, but I know the Weight was lost very quickly as I was ill - if I start now to eat my 1200 calories a day, do you think I will gain weight first and for how long or do you think, I will carry on losing but more slowly"
Thank you in advance


  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited June 2015
    Why 1200cals?
    What makes you think that's the appropriate rate of loss with only 5lbs left to lose?
    Why would it matter in the slightest if you had a temporary upward weight blip?

    Personally I would maintain where you are now while you recover from your illness and only go to a SMALL deficit when you are completely well.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It's hard when you're sick. You've done a great job getting down. But use the tools you have. Set yourself at sedentary and calculate your proper calories.

    Also, even when sick, you can exercise. Look up sitting exercises. There are a LOT of upper arm and body exercises that are good for your aerobic health. You can do tai chi sittin.

    But don't just pick a number for calories and go with that. You can have good nutrition while ill - it will even help you get better.