Other things I'm finding helpful...

I'd like to share a couple of things that I'm finding helpful in addition to MFP.
I decided last year that I'd give "running" a go. I use the term very loosely. I have a 5 year old who had progressed from a balance bike to a proper bike and I could no longer keep up! My best friend was using Zen Labs C25K app and doing really well (she'd never been a runner either) so I tried it out. I was surprised that it was easier than I thought and I managed to complete the program and even went out for a "run" (plod) most mornings while I was away on holiday. I can highly recommend it for anyone looking for a way to start. I now use the "runmeter" app to track what I do. I'd like to start a little C25K group in my local area I think.
At Christmas I asked for my own bike and my lovely Mum was kind enough to buy me one. I hadn't had a bike growing up and I'm not at all confident but I needed to be able to join in wih my Miniman on his. I started off a bit wobbly but am gaining confidence (still not happy to be on the road yet) and we now take our bikes out to local water parks and bike trails. I use the Strava app to track these.
I don't know about anyone else but tracking everything makes me feel good about what I'm doing. Whether it's because I see what I've done I don't know but the idea of running/cycling without my apps would be awful! Plus these apps link in to MFP to do the calorie count for me.
This year on facebook I found the "Run Mummy Run" group after joing to the "Advent runners do Jantastic" group and love the support and encouragement I get from everyone on there. They range from starting up to marathon and triathlon pro's (I'm never going to be either of those and don't aspire to be in case you wondered).
If anyone else out there feels the same and gets any help from this then I'll be very happy. Feel free to add me as a friend and let's share stories :smiley:

PS I'm on the 5:2 as well


  • DixieB2015
    DixieB2015 Posts: 4 Member
    I have started C25K a couple of times. I need motivation to stick with it.I'm not a good runner - never have been. But I'm a pretty awesome walker. This past week I upped my miles from 28 in a normal week to 48. I was pretty proud of myself especially since I also stayed within my calorie limit every day. But today (weigh in day) I got discouraged because I have only lost a half a pound in the week even with all that extra effort.

    Would like to friend you and get more info on your Facebook page.