
Three years ago, having just turned 42, I had a disturbing chat with a doctor about my weight and cholesterol. I immediately began running and started watching the pounds come off. However, I overdid it: within two years, I ran seven half-marathons and I-don't-know-how-many 5Ks and 10Ks - remember this was all starting from a zero-running background. During a 10K about a year ago, I broke a bone in my foot. The doctor had me immobilize it, and said I needed to stop running for a while. I felt good after a few weeks, and while walking, started into a light jog - I felt the bone snap again. Long story short (too late), I've been out of the game for about a year. In January, my doctor approved me to start light jogging again, but I had developed plantar fasciitis, and some days were so painful, I could barely walk. Over the past year, I have regained all the weight I had lost. Okay, so I think I've got the Plantar Fascitis under control (LOTS of stretching the hams and calves), and am ready to regain the ground I've lost. I've joined the local Planet Fitness (I have a home gym, but want to workout with people for a few months as I get back into this). I think what was a HUGE help before was the accountability I had here on MFP. So, once again, I'm looking for online friends so that we can provide each other with motivation, encouragement, and improved accountability. Join me?