10,000 Swing Kettlebell Workout!

brad837 Posts: 53 Member
Started the 10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge again tonight! I say again as this will be the 4th time I've done this challenge and it's Awesome! Here is the link for anyone interested: https://www.t-nation.com/workouts/10000-swing-kettlebell-workout Tonight I did Bodyweight dips and did the 500 Swings in 28:30. My Dips were 5, 3, 2 after each 'set' of Swings within the clusters of 100.
It was easy tonight as I did all sets within the cluster with a 24Kilo Kettlebell. Tomorrow night I'll have my own 28 Kilo 'bell that I bring to the gym with me and will do my first 3 sets (50 Swings) with the 28 Kilo, before dropping to the 24 Kilo for my last 50 Swings. If you really want to get lean, and have the internal fortitude to push through a challenging, extremely challenging program, I cannot recommend this enough! This was my introduction to KB's 2 years ago and I'm now hooked!

I will try to update this thread with my times and workouts as much as possible in case anyone is interested in following along...


  • nishatay
    nishatay Posts: 67 Member
    I'm check the video out. I recently bought I kettlebell so this will give me a reason to use it.
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Last night was workout #2. My time was a little slower as my hands are a bit chewed up from the recent KB Snatch work that I've been practicing and I used the 28Kilo KB for my first 3 sets of each cluster.
    Here is my workout:
    10 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    3 Chins
    15 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    2 Chins
    25 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    1 Chin
    50 Swings (24Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    Each set of the cluster is performed with no rest between swings/chins/swings.
    Rest of 3 minutes between clusters

    Total Time: 35:08

  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Ok, here I am again with a couple of updates. I have been doing the swings, just haven't had the time to post updates as I've been moving to a new house in West London...
    I have decided to push myself a little bit and am doing more with the 28Kilo KB. My new goal is to do all 500 swings each night with the 28Kilo Kettlbell!

    So, on Thursday, June 18th, this was my workout:

    10 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    3 Military Presses with 60 Kilos on the bar
    15 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    2 Military Presses with 60 Kilos on the bar
    25 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    1 Military Presses with 60 Kilos on the bar
    50 Swings (24Kilo KB)

    Here is where I'm pushing myself. The last 2 clusters were all done with the 28Killo KB. So that's a total of 200 Swings with the 28!

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    Each set of the cluster is performed with no rest between swings/presses/swings.
    Rest of 3 minutes between clusters

    Time: 31:52
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Yesterday's workout:

    10 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    Double Kettlebell Front Squat with 2 16Kilo KB's
    15 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    Double Kettlebell Front Squat with 2 16Kilo KB's
    25 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    Double Kettlebell Front Squat with 2 16Kilo KB's
    50 Swings (24Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    Here is where I'm pushing myself. The last 3 clusters were all done with the 28Killo KB! So that's a total of 300 Swings with the 28! Just a few more workouts and I'll be doing all 500 with the 28Kilo...

    Each set of the cluster is performed with no rest between swings/Squats/swings.
    Rest of 3 minutes between clusters

    Time: 35:09
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Ok, back at recording now as I've been traveling the past few days.

    My workout on Wednesday was Fantastic! I was in Prague for work and found a great gym in Old Praha that had kettlebells... They had a 32Kg bell and I went for it! Did all 500 swings with the 32Kg KB and was soaked in sweat. I know I burned some serious calories in that workout. As I was in a 'new' gym, I didn't want to monopolize any of the equipment for the entire workout, so I grabbed a corner of floor and did push-ups between sets.

    Workout below:

    10 Swings (32Kilo KB)
    5 Push-ups
    15 Swings (32Kilo KB)
    5 Push-ups
    25 Swings (32Kilo KB)
    5 Push-ups
    50 Swings (32Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    Again, an Awesome workout and was really pumped to get all 500 Swings with the big 32Kg. However, I couldn't do the last 2 sets, of the last to clusters (the 50 Swings) all non-stop. I had to set the 'bell down at 25 swings for a few seconds, shake out my hands and finish the set. All in all though, felt Awesome!

    Time: 34:22
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Last night had a great KB workout.

    Workout below:

    10 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    3 Chins
    15 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    2 Chins
    25 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    1 Chin
    50 Swings (28Kilo KB)

    Rest 2 - 3 minutes

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    All 500 Swings were done with the 28Kg 'bell and the chins felt easy. I might try going to a 5, 3, 2 rep range next week.

    Time: 32:28
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Friday's workout was a brutal one! For some reason I was exhausted and the entire 500 Swings felt tough...

    Workout below:

    10 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    Double Kettlebell Front Squat with 2 16Kilo KB's - 5 Reps
    15 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    Double Kettlebell Front Squat with 2 16Kilo KB's - 3 Reps
    25 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    Double Kettlebell Front Squat with 2 16Kilo KB's - 2 Reps
    50 Swings (28Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    That is a total of 500 Swings and 50 KB Front Squats! All 500 Swings done with the 28Kilo KB...

    Time 39:21
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Good workout tonight. All I did was the KB swings tonight. Last 2 clusters, my forearms were burning and it was tough to grip the KB.

    Here is my workout:
    10 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    3 Chins
    15 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    2 Chins
    25 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    1 Chin
    50 Swings (24Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    Each set of the cluster is performed with no rest between swings/chins/swings.
    Rest of 2.5 -3 minutes between clusters

    Time: 31:50
  • ErinMartin31
    ErinMartin31 Posts: 13 Member
    This looks like fun
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    This is a blast!!!

    Hard work, but a lot of fun...
  • jamieb55
    jamieb55 Posts: 145 Member
    Wow, will have to look that up!!
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    wat is the risk to our joints?
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Friday's workout was another good one! Hot day in London, very hot, so I was kind of drained.
    I was planning on doing Military Presses with this workout, but the rack was taken. I didn't have the energy to do KB Front Squats, so I did pushups...

    Workout below:

    10 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    5 Push-ups
    15 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    5 Push-ups
    25 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    5 Push-ups
    50 Swings (28Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    Time 29:42
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    urloved33 wrote: »
    wat is the risk to our joints?

    I've been doing KB workouts for over 2 years now and my joints are fine. I would imagine the risk is similar to anything else, as long as your form is good, and you're not going too heavy for you individual abilities, you should be fine.

  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Well, as usual, another great workout today.

    Saturday afternoon and the gym was empty!

    This was workout number 11, so I'm over 1/2 way to completing the 10,000 Swings...

    Workout below:

    10 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    3 Military Presses with 60 Kilos on the bar
    15 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    2 Military Presses with 60 Kilos on the bar
    25 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    1 Military Presses with 60 Kilos on the bar
    50 Swings (28Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    Each set of the cluster is performed with no rest between swings/presses/swings.
    Rest of 3 minutes between clusters

    Time: 31:30
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    This looks like fun

    Fun is an understatement! ;)

    Seriously, if you like to push yourself, and want some serious results, this is the workout!

  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Had a great KB workout tonight...

    Time was pretty good too considering I did heavy incline bench, flat dumbells and some biceps before I swung the bells...

    Workout below:

    10 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    Double Kettlebell Front Squat with 2 16Kilo KB's - 5 Reps
    15 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    Double Kettlebell Front Squat with 2 16Kilo KB's - 3 Reps
    25 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    Double Kettlebell Front Squat with 2 16Kilo KB's - 2 Reps
    50 Swings (28Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    That is a total of 500 Swings and 50 KB Front Squats! All 500 Swings done with the 28Kilo KB...

    Time: 33:11
  • brad837
    brad837 Posts: 53 Member
    Another fantastic KB workout tonight. I was in and out of the gym in under an hour.

    In the 30 minutes that I was there, I was 'bringing it' and worked harder than some who spent a couple of hours there. I get amused at people who come to the gym day in and day out, and seem to just wander around with no plan or program.

    Ahh well, who am I to judge.

    Workout below:

    10 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    5 Dips
    15 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    3 Dips
    25 Swings (28Kilo KB)
    2 Dips
    50 Swings (28Kilo KB)

    Repeat 4 more clusters.

    Time: 28:26
  • bahiablk
    bahiablk Posts: 5 Member
    edited July 2015
    This sounds cool. I've done kettle bells on and off for 4 years. I usually do 300 swings on alternating days with traditional strength training. On swing days. I alternate 100 swing sets with windmills, snatches, and cleans. I mostly use 16, 20, and 24 kilo bells.
    I agree with you about people who come to the gym with no plan. I use an app called Gym Buddy on my iPhone to plan my workouts and record my sets, reps, and weight lifted.