60 + working on losing weight

Is there any people 60 years or older working on losing weight? Maybe we could form a group to help one another on the journey.


  • emmaps55
    emmaps55 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm almost 60 (in November) -- in March I started doing things differently for the first time in my life (and I have been overweight most of my life). I've blogged about it.....http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/emmaps55

    Right now I am struggling as I had a tooth out last Thursday and am in a lot of pain still, and I have to be on a soft foods diet until at least July 2 (another 2.5 weeks) and I am craving ice cream! I usually eat lower carb, and a lot of meat, and not being able to chew anything is so difficult for me.

    Would love to be in the 60+ group with you! Thanks for posting. Hope others will join us!