
I work an hour from home, and there is a curves about 2 blocks from work. Has anyone had any success doing curves?


  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    It's good to start if you haven't really done anything else, but it gets boring very quickly and you don't get to adjust the machines to make them progressively harder or anything, so you get to a point where you don't really progress any further. The cost was about the same as a proper gym and it was very very limited, I found.
  • amberskinner
    amberskinner Posts: 14 Member
    There is a gym in town that I work at as well but by the time I drive across town, and change clothes doesn't leave much time to get anything done. I have 2 active kids and live 15 minutes in the country so I don't think I would get much use joining the gym in town.
  • AlMonkey
    AlMonkey Posts: 258 Member
    I really like my local curves: it seems to cater to a wide variety of women in terms of age and fitness level, it's almost impossible to hog a machine, classes are optional, the workout has a defined length. There is so much truth in the post above mentioning weight stalling and adjustments to resistance on the equipment
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    I did a trial month a long time ago. The Curves I went to had more of a social club atmosphere - sometimes you couldn't move on because there would be women talking on the machines. I also found it got really boring really quickly and I hated the music they played.

    If you can get a trial for a good price, I'd say try it out and see if you like it - maybe the branch I went to wasn't typical.