hi y'all newbie here 138 lbs down 100 to go

Hi y'all my name is Summer. I'm 31 and a sahm to 4 great kiddos. I joined my first gym tonight, kinda intimidated a little but excited too. I have 100 pounds to loose still to hit my 160 goal. I started my journey in 2008 at 398 pounds. I lost 120 pounds over 14 months while my husband was deployed only to end up pregnant the following month after he got home lol I then spent the next 4 years lpregnant or nursing (had a baby in April 2010, July 2012 & April 2014) and my weight yoyo'd the whole time from 250 to 315 depending on if I was pregnant or not. My youngest is now 14 months old and I had my tubes removed so I am ready to FINALLY loose this weight and get my self confidence back ad be healthy for my kiddos :-)


  • jsimms2127
    jsimms2127 Posts: 14 Member
    I am a momma of 4 too looking to lose 100lbs. Just had my 4th 2 weeks ago and had a tubal as well. How amazing to have already lost so much. You mind if I send you a friend request?
  • mwmoeller
    mwmoeller Posts: 2 Member
    Daddy of 2 looking to lose 100lbs. 30 lbs down and always looking for friends and motivation.
  • momislosingit84
    momislosingit84 Posts: 25 Member
    Congratulations on your newest little one :-). Thank you! :-)

    Thanks for the adds y'all. Hope we can all hit our goals and keep motivated.
  • amandahugndkiss
    amandahugndkiss Posts: 15 Member
    Congratulations! I've got over 100 to go as well, it's not going to be easy but I'm determined. Sending you a friend request.
  • rhonda6374
    rhonda6374 Posts: 38 Member
    Hello, I am looking to lose 100 pounds. Friend me if you like. I am back after a long hiatus.
  • BrendaMaldonado1
    BrendaMaldonado1 Posts: 25 Member
    Congratulations on losing so much already.