New again



  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    Consuelo, u sound just like me. We know what we need to do and it should be east, but I struggle!! I am not on track. Everyday I vow to be on track, but life happens and by 9am, it's a lost cause.
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    I can say when I am not on here it's bc I am so far off track, I can't deal with it. But I have found I relate to nearly everyone in our group, si, here I am...reading and feeling the motivation. Maybe tomorrow will be the beginning of many successful days
  • ConsueloBonito
    ConsueloBonito Posts: 18 Member
    Totally agree with you! Reading posts motivates me for sure! I missed yesterday almost entirely, and am bummed my system wigged on me so my Tuesday stuff didn't log. So today I did Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and my streak is down to one day. WAHHHHH! I had workers at the house this AM to fix problems and estimate others, so didn't eat breakfast, then rushed to work at 11 and worked through lunch, so my calorie deficit let me have a brownie and ice cream, after my taco dinner with wine. Hahahahah! And I'm still okay for the day. Better go to bed before I eat more! Night all!
  • btinghutch
    btinghutch Posts: 26 Member
    I have never been here before, but I understand your goal because it is my goal as well. To be as healthy as I can for my daughters is what drives me every single day. It's not so much about the weight even, as it is to be active and to keep up!haha,,,they are so full of energy
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    Have any of u heard of Yoli or tried that program?
  • chaoticupheaval
    chaoticupheaval Posts: 15 Member
    edited June 2015
    I am restarting this too! I am going to win this time!!! I am 48, going back to college to finish my BS. I really want to feel better and fit into my jeans! my old jeans, not my fat jeans. I have not weighed recently, i do not own scales...but i will find some scales this week and let you know what I am at, but the last time at the dr. it was 200....i nearly fainted!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Have any of u heard of Yoli or tried that program?

    Never heard of it, but it looks like multilevel marketing (aka a pyramid scheme).

    You lose weight by eating fewer calories than you burn—period. Learn to log everything you eat accurately & honestly. Logging works.
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    How is everyone doing? I have struggled but seem to be back on track today. Thank goodness. I hope it's the beginning of a long stretch of healthy food choices.
  • allene13
    allene13 Posts: 8 Member
    Doing ok here! I did not do well over the weekend so, I had to get back on track today! I guess everyone has those kind of days! Just mad at myself for feeling frustrated!
  • CherylanneCorsini
    CherylanneCorsini Posts: 50 Member
    Hi ladies, we are all in the same boat, I know we can do this! I was skinny my whole life then was put on a prescription medicine for insomnia. I took the med only 7 months and my weight jumped to 180 lbs. I was a size 4 and jumped to a size 18!!! It all happened so fast. This happened 2 1/2 years ago and the best I could do was get my weight down to 137. However as soon as winter comes I get bored & lonely and put on weight again. This time, after finding the app Pacer & MFP I feel like I can do it. I drink Yerba Mate tea and take fish oil and eat a lot of celery sticks, apples and munch on plain Cheerios or plain yogurt. I walk at least 5 miles every day. It's only been 2 weeks and I feel very hopeful and positive. I'm not trying to get to a size 6, that was way too thin. I will be happy to wear a size 8 again. This has got to be a lifetime change.
    Corina, if I had ice cream in the house, I would not be able to leave it alone either. Maybe keep some favorite fruits like cherries in the freezer. It's tough, I miss having a desserts & chocolate!
  • beccaroli
    beccaroli Posts: 5 Member
    edited June 2015
    Hi I'm Becca and am also restarting the journey to a fitter and leaner me. I'm 44, am an expat Brit living in Switzerland, am married and have four kids. Three years ago I tore my Achilles' tendon (during Zumba of all places!) which put me out of action for a year and I gained 10kgs (22 lbs) and lost the desire to keep fit and watch what I was eating. Last year I was plagued with two slipped discs in my lower back which laid me flat for quite awhile and put me back another 5kgs (11bs). I am really motivated to be here and be part of the mfp community. I bought a Jawbone Up fitness tracker last week, so coupled with that and this food diary here I feel confident and hopeful that I can see some progress soon. Feel free to add me, would love some new mfp friends.
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    Ladies this is a lifestyle change! Everything is ok in moderation. Right?! We want to adopt an eating behavior that we can live with for a lifetime! We can do this however I have concerns that the upcoming holiday will knock me off track and then I struggle to get back on track. It's too soon in my journey to face this challenge. Any suggestions?
  • rachel1971mfp
    rachel1971mfp Posts: 20 Member
    Hi everyone , how you all doing ? We must keep writing on here to keep us motivated! Am going on holiday in a few weeks but really don't want to break my healthy eating , I feel like am really doing this time , have now lost 9 lb ! And don't want to go back ! 5 lb more it will be a stone . Yippee
  • ConsueloBonito
    ConsueloBonito Posts: 18 Member
    I went to North Carolina last week for vaca and am up 3.5 lbs from before the trip. Wahhhh! I tried to eat good, but slipped a few times. Drank way way too much good wine though. Trying to get back on track this week! Wish me luck.
  • latanyamckenzie
    latanyamckenzie Posts: 26 Member
    I too am beginning again. I have gained a lot due to the change and serious health issues in which the meds make me heavy. So I need to get vine and eating right. I have gained 23 lbs since the last time I was on here. My life depends on losing about 40lbs. I have got to get serious.
  • ConsueloBonito
    ConsueloBonito Posts: 18 Member
    I too am beginning again. I have gained a lot due to the change and serious health issues in which the meds make me heavy. So I need to get vine and eating right. I have gained 23 lbs since the last time I was on here. My life depends on losing about 40lbs. I have got to get serious.

    You can do it! Just keep on trying, and don't give up if you slip sometimes.

  • rachel1971mfp
    rachel1971mfp Posts: 20 Member
    I went to North Carolina last week for vaca and am up 3.5 lbs from before the trip. Wahhhh! I tried to eat good, but slipped a few times. Drank way way too much good wine though. Trying to get back on track this week! Wish me luck.

  • rachel1971mfp
    rachel1971mfp Posts: 20 Member
    Morning ! How is every body doing , seems quite on here at the moment !
  • cjschulting
    cjschulting Posts: 27 Member
    Good morning all!! Here I am....... I don't want to be "Debbie downer" but man have I been struggling. I am so NOT on a decent eating plan. I wake each day and simply healthy, that's all, just eat healthy. It's not how many times we get knocked down, it's how many times you get back up, right??!! So who's with me... let's get this day off to a great start!
  • bullyjean
    bullyjean Posts: 2 Member
    Hi - so this one time in 2010 I lost like 30 pounds and it made it look easy. (who was that lady?) So I'm trying to summon her back here because this s4it is hard. When i did it I had 2 things going for me....1) I tracked my food and 2) I found friends to support me.

    I love beer so much. I live in a mecca of craft beer and it's something I really do care about. So there's that. A double IPA is like eating a big sandwich. FML

    So today, I'm going to track my food and I'm going to get out at lunch to exercise. And since I've written that on the internet it must be true.

  • rachel1971mfp
    rachel1971mfp Posts: 20 Member
    Hi , been away for nine days , and feel like I have done nothing but eat , "holidays " now I need to loose the holidays pounds , hopefully they will drop of in a few days !
  • HollyEzara181290
    HollyEzara181290 Posts: 4 Member
    hey. ive used MFP before and have forgotten my passwords. ive set up a new account and am looking for friends :) feel free to ignore, otherwise add me andII'll look forward to speaking to you :)
  • Nance_61
    Nance_61 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi.. im starting again after a year's absence Initially lost about 34 lbs, then another 10, then put 20 back on so... at almost 54 it's time. But I don't want to keep saying "again". Frankly getting tired of the roller coaster. I'm an emotional eater, and when i get over tired i figure eating will help me to keep going. My will power/self control is lousy, and I need to get this in hand! Please feel free to add me as a friend. I'd really like to get a handle on it this time for GOOODDDD!!!! Happy long weekend to any Canadian friends!
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Welcome! You'll love MFP! Add me as a friend if you want. I'm a mom of 4 and down 45 lbs so far. We can reach our goals!
  • gigglepot88
    gigglepot88 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello ladies
    I have just started up AGAIN tonight. It's been a while but it's time to get back on track. I'm 27 years old female from Australia. I am happy to talk to all ages with the same goals as me. Looking for someone/group to motivate me and I will deliver the same in return. Let's inspire each other! All the best people! Tell me about you....