Keep losing weight ( "unintentional") is it my diet?



  • mariposasdeclaudia
    You're eighteen, not eight. It's up to you who you do or don't see.

    Just try and maybe have an extra spoonful of peanut butter, a glass of milk, that kind of thing in the meantime.

    You don't have to eat clean but at the same time, you don't have to eat everything that your mother wants to have. But that's probably one of the things that comes up for a lot of people when they are transitioning from child to adult, especially if their parents haven't grasped the difference yet.
    "You're eighteen, not eight. It's up to you who you do or don't see. "
    Try telling that to my mom in her face!
    I mentioned that to her when I was nearing 18 ( I turned 18 late May) and I physically cannot see whoever I want. I don't drive. She says I can chose when I'm 21, which is the legal age of maturity here in Puerto Rico.

    I do have spoonfuls of PB and nutella at night! Can't live without those <3

    My mom is a complicated case so it's difficult handling medical things with her. Sure, she took me to the pediatrician today, but not before complaining ever so about how she hates going to medical appointments and she's sick of them, and that her whole life revolves around doctors. She wants to take a break. She also accused me of bulimia, then anorexia, but then withdrew her accusations.

    Her main complaint is finding pediatric specialists.