Why did you all put on weight in the first place?



  • SillyCat1975
    SillyCat1975 Posts: 328 Member
    My son being diagnosed with leukaemia and the three years of chemo that came there after (now in remission)
    My husbands affair
    The dissolution of our marriage and our divorce
    Losing our home and being homeless with a very unwell little boy and my youngest son who was a toddler at the time for around 6 months
    My mother getting cancer, then thankfully going into remission
    My grandfather dying
    My father being diagnosed with cancer and then dying without warning very suddenly (at home).
    Having to put down my dog of 15 years
    Then having to put down my cat of 18 years
    My mothers cancer returning and her dying a year later
    The CONSTANT bitter feuding with the extended members of my family (who I have now cut off)

    Take your pick. My weight gain is the culmination of all of that... happening in quick succession.

    What I have realised.... life is pretty crappy at times and you have zero control over what happens and when. But everything always works out... not always for what you perceived to be "the best"... but it works out one way or another. Just keep going. No point giving up.
    Also the answers are never found in the bottom of a bottle of Johnny Walker. Ever.

    I'm so sorry, Hugs!

  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Eating made the pain go away. Now I exercise and the pain makes the pain go away.
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    I think most of us for one reason or another either lost control over food or never had control over it. Im from a large family that grew up with little money. Chips were cheap and could feed a large family. Any "treats" were usually food related. Mum and Dad were always overweight. We did nothing for exercise. I grew up fat and stayed fat, worked hard in an office sometimes up to 12 hours a day, there was no room for exercise. I was lucky to see daylight. By the time I was 40 I was hitting 20 stone. At 42 someone close to me in work had her son commit suicide and that started my downward spiral. I have been cronically depressed for 7 years. I have always been alone. No one to judge me and what I was eatting. I would eat late often 3pm my start of eating. Latte coffees during the day fed me. Once I started eating I wouldnt stop. I rarely find myself hungry so dont eat, then when I start eating I never feel full so continue eating. Every day is the same, no food til 3 over feed til 7. MFP has helped me stop this. I make sure I eat 3 meals a day and dont consume more calories than I should. Its shameful to admit it took me until I was 50 before I took my contol back.
  • GooeyGoobert
    GooeyGoobert Posts: 3 Member
    Growing up, I was always heavy. When I was young, it started with me being on the larger side but not quite overweight yet. As I grew older I went from overweight to very obese. Every year it seems like I always put on some weight. As a kid, my mom always cooked for us. We never ate out due to dietary restriction due to religion, which sounds like the perfect recipe to be healthy, except my mom cooked a lot of heavy, oily food with really big portion sizes. This isn't me trying to blame it on my mom, just how things were. And as I grew older, I became more and more sedentary. When I went to college and moved out of my parents house, there wasn't anyone to cook for me and since I stopped practicing the religion, there was nothing stopping me from eating out. I became a vegetarian in sophomore year of college, but really it was more like I became a carb eater. Surprisingly it's very easy to be a vegetarian and not really eat your vegetables.

    Anyway, long story short, I never paid attention to the food I ate + I was a huge couch potato which leads me to my current dilemma.
  • natboosh69
    natboosh69 Posts: 277 Member
    No interesting story, emotional issues or excuses here - I just love food and have always overindulged, until now :)
  • icck
    icck Posts: 197 Member
    Overeating, really. I like to eat A LOT and can easily graze all day - I've always eaten "well" and don't have much of a taste for things like chocolate or crisps/chips, but if you're eating too much of any food you will gain weight. And I did.
    I was always big even as a child but used to be very active too, until pregnancy left me unable to walk unaided for nearly a year afterwards. I was still eating the same and quickly piled on the pounds, I gained 3 dress sizes.

    Boredom eating is a big factor too. Now I'll exercise instead, but if it's a time where I can't then I head straight for the peanut butter sandwiches.