Calories burned during yoga

hi all, I am recently recommitted to weight loss, and I've been doing daily hot yoga classes. They are 75 min long, partially holding poses like bikram and part vinyasa flow. I am a 32 year old female 5'6" and currently 218 lbs. I am pretty out of shape, but am able to complete these pretty difficult classes, although I'm not always able to hold the poses the entire time.

I am wondering about a general estimate of calories burned for me. I know that people who weigh less and are in better shape don't burn a tremendous amount of calories doing yoga when compared to straight cardio, but I can definitely feel my heart pumping and my breathing becomes hard. I am giving 100% and am SORE afterwards. I don't own a Fitbit type of thing, and I've had trouble pinning down a reliable estimate when I google it.
Thanks in advance for any info.
