Getting to the gym after a long work day.

Hey everyone! This is something I really really struggle with. I work M-F in an office from 8 to 4:30. It is so easy for me to get to the gym on the weekends. Sometimes I even get up at 8 AM to go and beat the crowd. I am having such a hard time getting there during the week however. I know I will not reach my goal if I don't go atleast 4 days a week. I guess I don't have the motivation after an 8 hour work day (though I don't do much but sit all day and go to meetings) and I don't like to be around people either. If there are people, I will totally avoid going or I will not do what I wanted to and do something else. Help please! How do you all manage to make it to the gym after a work day? How do you get the courage to do what you want in there even when there are people? (I feel like I don't have experience and get scared to use certain machines)

Thank you!!!


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    you plan it into your day just like anything else. Barring some crazy stuff going on or illness or whatever, I lift on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday regardless of whether I "feel like it" or not. I'ts part of my schedule just like going to work or anything else. Stop thinking of it as some kind of "extra" thing...

    I often don't feel like going to work or mowing the lawn or doing the dishes...yet I do these things anyway...because they need doing.
  • ladybg81
    ladybg81 Posts: 1,553 Member
    Maybe go before work? I go each day at 5am. It makes a big difference in my energy level vs if I miss days. The first week is tough but you get used to it.
  • agreenid
    agreenid Posts: 218 Member
    Most of the people at the gym are more concerned with what they're doing than with what you're doing. Ignore them and just get what you need done. Put in some earbuds and make a great playlist and go to town.

    If you're uncomfortable using some of the machines I would recommend seeing if you can do a training session or two just to get used to the equipment. Or if you have a friend who is well versed, ask them to run you through it. Get comfortable with them on the weekends when you have the space more to yourself and then incorporate them into your weekly workout.

    For getting to the gym I make a daily commitment to go. I try to go in the morning--but sometimes sleep really is more important. I like mornings because the gym is a whole lot emptier (we have a small workout center in our apartment building that gets really crowded sometimes). If I don't go in the morning I get home, put down my stuff and immediately put on my gym clothes. Most days I'll vacuum or put in a load of laundry before I go down but if I've got my clothes on, my mind has the fact that I'm going chugging along in the back of it. It was really hard for the first bit. But I'm 70 days into logging (and that's when I really started the fitness part too) and now it's just habit.

    Do I want to be there all the time? No. And some days are less hard of a workout because I'm tired or really don't want to be there. But I still go because it builds that habit and is still getting my butt moving.

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    you plan it into your day just like anything else. Barring some crazy stuff going on or illness or whatever, I lift on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday regardless of whether I "feel like it" or not. I'ts part of my schedule just like going to work or anything else. Stop thinking of it as some kind of "extra" thing...

    I often don't feel like going to work or mowing the lawn or doing the dishes...yet I do these things anyway...because they need doing.

    Yep. This. Except Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I get home from work, DON'T sit down, change into gym clothes and head to the gym. If I sit's game over. A lot of times I just tell myself to do 10 minutes and if I still want to leave, then I can leave. But by the time I get to the gym and start working, I feel better and never leave after just 10 minutes.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Go in the a.m. before work. you will never regret it
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    It's not motivation, it's obligation. Suck it up and put in work.
  • saramichelle89
    saramichelle89 Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice. I really appreciate it. Update: I went to the gym last night and at 5 AM today & you're right, I don't regret it! ;-) I am going to make a commitment to get there much more than I have been. Such a slacker I am.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    It's not courage, it's habit.

    Pack a well-stocked gym bag and just automatically go there after work. Do not go home, do not run errands, do not take a nap. Make exercise a priority and it will happen.
  • mssmssy
    mssmssy Posts: 32 Member
    I love going to classes and making friends. They keep me motivated. Harder to do if you don't like people.
  • Fitnessflexibility
    Fitnessflexibility Posts: 795 Member
    I sometimes take my gym clothes to work with me on days I'm tired in the morning, like today, so I go straight to the gym after work. Then it's done and I can go home and stay home.
    But it is part of my day. Days I don't feel like going I have to remind myself I'm paying for the membership so if I do t go I'm throwing away money, so when I'm not physically motivated that sure helps haha
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    I sometimes take my gym clothes to work with me on days I'm tired in the morning, like today, so I go straight to the gym after work. Then it's done and I can go home and stay home.
    But it is part of my day. Days I don't feel like going I have to remind myself I'm paying for the membership so if I do t go I'm throwing away money, so when I'm not physically motivated that sure helps haha

    I do this every day and have for years. This way my gym time is included in and is as important as my work day. No excuses. Family emergency excepted, of course.

    Also, one of the gyms I go to is 3 blocks from my office and my other one I drive past on my way home. Really silly to drive past it and not go. Making it super convenient is imperative.

    Next step is once you are there you have to have a plan. Being shy or intimidated is tough, but also common. Make a plan of what you will do once you get there and just do it. That's what everyone else there is doing already.
  • whatatime2befit
    whatatime2befit Posts: 625 Member
    I go at night after I get my 3 kids to bed. Sometimes I can squeeze it in during my lunch hour, but night is usually best for me. I work all day, and want to spend the evenings with my kids, so after their bedtime is my best time to go.
  • Ritzaburk
    Ritzaburk Posts: 22 Member
    You have to be motivated to go, and make it part of your daily routine. If you want it bad enough, you will make it happen, without making up excuses! Where there is a will, there is a way! :)

    I agree with trying to go in the AM, or taking your gym clothes with you to work, and go immediately when you get off. Also, try to make yourself a workout routine schedule, that way you can look forward to the next day. Try to not be too concerned about others looking at you... They have their own goal they are trying to reach, they are not concerned about what you are doing. Maybe taking a workout buddy will help! you can do it, don't give up girl! Once you get going, you won't be able to stop!
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    Start a walk group for your 1 hour lunch break and eat and walk alone or with your coworkers. Or, get up at 6am and work out before work. I think working out early helps stress levels. A nice work out, shower, and time to kill before going in and the best part is you've already got it in so it helps make better lunch decisions and you can go home, eat dinner, relax and pass out without worrying about missing a work out.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    How do you get the courage to do what you want in there even when there are people? (I feel like I don't have experience and get scared to use certain machines)

    Thank you!!!
    This picture says it all
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I pack my bag- and I always have a gym bag ready to go- no excuses.

    Don't get scared- no one really cares. Just go do what you gotta do.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    This is the reason I started working out in the mornings. Maybe it's just because I'm too out of it to psych myself out lol, but I don't really care why as long as it works for me.
  • Ryancasey1
    Ryancasey1 Posts: 18 Member

    I work 8-5 job behind a desk so I know exactly what it's like, but doing this job, every hour I stand up for 5 minutes, during my lunch break I go for a little walk, (even if walking round the office looking busy!)

    When I get home it's usually the mad rush hour! So I tend to get ready soon as I get in, I have my dinner then go "force" myself to the gym!

    If you really struggle during the evenings try the mornings! Let's just say it wakes you up! :)
  • crubio360
    crubio360 Posts: 19 Member
    I have the same problem. I try to get to the gym before work because I am always so exhausted after my shift ends. I make my body get up and go before I have time to talk myself out of it and I wear my workout clothes to bed so I can just wake up and go.