Chocolate is there a substitute?



  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »

    if you don't go over your calorie allowance then why are you worried about eating the chocolate?

    I guess because I feel I should be eating something more healthy, that chocolate is empty calories. I really want to lose weight and I just can't see how eating chocolate will allow me to achieve that. I'm thinking whilst I'm writing here lol. Maybe I'm just thinking about chocolate all wrong though. I mean the way to lose weight is to change your eating habits slightly but not so drastically that when you stop counting you pile a a load of weight on as you eat "normal" again. I've never dieted before this is my first time ever, I'm 70lbs heavier than I want to be. It's taken me long time to get to this weight and I guess I made this post because it's a scary thought it could take just as along to lose the weight. I don't doubt that I do have some emotional eating stuff going on but 95% of my diet is pretty damn healthy. I don't eat chocolate excessively but because I don't account for it in my diet, that's why I splurge when I get stressed(if that makes sense!)
    I'm starting to think that I was worrying waaaay too much about eating chocolate!!
  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    sllm1 wrote: »
    I like Riesen, because it takes a lot longer to chew. That means I get to savor the chocolate taste longer and I'm likely to get sidetracked before reaching for another. :)

    Oh man I used to love those! I'll have to keep my eyes peeled for some! :)
  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    ahamm002 wrote: »

    Uhhmmm, then what's the problem???? Eating small amounts of chocolate that fit into your daily calorie goals is probably good for you.

    I realise that now! I just got into my head when I made this post that chocolate was just really quite bad for me. :)

  • mistikal13
    mistikal13 Posts: 1,457 Member
    There's no substitute for chocolate!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    greenfus3 wrote: »
    Do you want a substitute which tastes like it but isn't chocolate?

    Or a substitute which is a completely different food?
    A healthier substitute that isn't chocolate but(will hopefully)help me ween myself off chocolate.


  • MamaBirdBoss
    MamaBirdBoss Posts: 1,516 Member
    Less chocolate. LOL.
  • spoonyspork
    spoonyspork Posts: 238 Member
    greenfus3 wrote: »
    ahamm002 wrote: »

    Uhhmmm, then what's the problem???? Eating small amounts of chocolate that fit into your daily calorie goals is probably good for you.

    I realise that now! I just got into my head when I made this post that chocolate was just really quite bad for me. :)

    Naw man. It can be high in sugar and carbs for how much you get per calorie, sure... but it has LOTS of 'good for you stuff' in it, too! At 1825 calories you can even fit a whole Trader Joe's 72% bar in your day (I usually go for the Hershey's Special Dark which is 60% IIRC?). Looks like you've got that figured out though ;)
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    greenfus3 wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP you need to address why you are eating chocolate to feel better as that is a sign of emotional eating.

    Yep I get stressed and I eat some chocolate. That's it really. I don't eat bars and bars and bars of it just a small amount of the period of time that I'm stressed. Incidentally I don't go over my calorie allowance when I do ;)

    Sorry, I haven't read every response. However, if you don't go over your calorie allowance, and assuming that you aren't solely eating chocolate (up to your calorie allowance), then what's the harm in eating some chocolate occasionally?

    But, if you really do want to stop the habit of eating chocolate, then you will have to replace that habit with a new habit. Google "changing habits".
  • TheRealHormony
    TheRealHormony Posts: 14 Member
    The Cherymoya is a wonderful and sweet fruit, better than anything synthetical. Optimal substitute for any form of candies:
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I used to be unable to keep things like bread or ice cream in the house because I'd binge on it. While working on getting the tendency to binge under control, I wouldn't keep it in the house at all. If I wanted gelato or something, I'd go to a shop that sells a single serving and get one serving. It's more expensive, but I got used to an actual single serving (especially since the shop I went to weighs out a single 3oz portion for product control), and I learned to really enjoy and savor high quality.

    Then, I slowly reintroduce buying it and eating one portion at a time. I'm still not perfect, and sometimes I still binge, but I'm much better than I used to be.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    greenfus3 wrote: »
    A healthier substitute that isn't chocolate but(will hopefully)help me ween myself off chocolate.

    But chocolate is so good! It has anti-oxidants. It's the calorie hit you are paying for. You could take out the calorie hit by replacing the sugar with a sugar substitute. Sometimes I make myself a hot cocoa with powdered cocoa, milk, cinnamon and Stevia.

    There's puffed wheat squares, too. Chocolate taste with a fraction of the calories.

    I remember (in the eighties?) when chocolate was briefly out of favour. A subsitute, if you can call it that, is carob. But it really doesn't compare. And like I say, chocolate has it's compensating factors.
  • mich19025
    mich19025 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm the kind of person that does well when I don't have lots of chocolate to binge on but on the other hand i don't want to avoid it as I just relapse. Chocolate is my kryptonite! Why don't you work it into your diary but avoid buying multi packs of things? I usually track my macros(protein/fat/carbs) as I lift heavy 4 times a week but have decided that on a Saturday I will just track calories and enjoy a couple of planned treats. This weekend its a mini tub of ben and jerry's chocolate fudge brownie and an individual cheesecake :)
  • rugratz2015
    rugratz2015 Posts: 593 Member
    Tescos do mini mint ice creams - they're about the size of an after eight, but slightly more than the width of a pen, and they're only 37 calories each, so great to curb the craving. Tesco also do a raspberry ripple frozen mousse, only 80 calories - try freezing chocolate - curly wurlys are really good for this as you have the chocolate and then the toffee takes a while to eat. Hot chocolate - light options range from 35-45 calories per sachet. Instead of giving up drinking you could look at the non-alcoholic versions - Kopperberg berry cider is only 137 calories a bottle. Instead of 'giving' up things look at finding a healthier/low calorie alternative and then you have the best of both worlds, moderation is key :smiley:
  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member

    Naw man. It can be high in sugar and carbs for how much you get per calorie, sure... but it has LOTS of 'good for you stuff' in it, too! At 1825 calories you can even fit a whole Trader Joe's 72% bar in your day (I usually go for the Hershey's Special Dark which is 60% IIRC?). Looks like you've got that figured out though ;)

    I love love green and blacks I will have to do some research ha! ;)

  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    The Cherymoya is a wonderful and sweet fruit, better than anything synthetical. Optimal substitute for any form of candies:

    I've heard of cherymoya but never actually seen a picture. Not sure I could but them in UK(well not where I live but I'll have a look) thanks :)
  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    minizebu wrote: »

    Sorry, I haven't read every response. However, if you don't go over your calorie allowance, and assuming that you aren't solely eating chocolate (up to your calorie allowance), then what's the harm in eating some chocolate occasionally?

    But, if you really do want to stop the habit of eating chocolate, then you will have to replace that habit with a new habit. Google "changing habits".

    Yea that's what I'm going to do, just eat occasionally just for its benefits oh and that's it's delicious! :)
  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    auddii wrote: »
    I used to be unable to keep things like bread or ice cream in the house because I'd binge on it. While working on getting the tendency to binge under control, I wouldn't keep it in the house at all. If I wanted gelato or something, I'd go to a shop that sells a single serving and get one serving. It's more expensive, but I got used to an actual single serving (especially since the shop I went to weighs out a single 3oz portion for product control), and I learned to really enjoy and savor high quality.

    Then, I slowly reintroduce buying it and eating one portion at a time. I'm still not perfect, and sometimes I still binge, but I'm much better than I used to be.

    I think going for smaller packages of chocolate rather than splitting a large bar(and potentially eating all of it)is the way to do. Just learn to savour it like you said. :)

  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    greenfus3 wrote: »
    A healthier substitute that isn't chocolate but(will hopefully)help me ween myself off chocolate.

    But chocolate is so good! It has anti-oxidants. It's the calorie hit you are paying for. You could take out the calorie hit by replacing the sugar with a sugar substitute. Sometimes I make myself a hot cocoa with powdered cocoa, milk, cinnamon and Stevia.

    There's puffed wheat squares, too. Chocolate taste with a fraction of the calories.

    I remember (in the eighties?) when chocolate was briefly out of favour. A subsitute, if you can call it that, is carob. But it really doesn't compare. And like I say, chocolate has it's compensating factors.

    Yep I've tried carob it's ok but it doesn't compare I think I'd rather have a low calorie hot chocolate or something(and I'm not mad keen on them either)Your cocoa recipe sounds nice, I'll have to give that a try. ;)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    greenfus3 wrote: »
    I have a few chocolate teas that I really enjoy and help curb my chocolate cravings. I keep small amounts of chocolate in the freezer so it's harder to eat.
    I've seen chocolate tea but I was skeptical. What brand do you drink? The chocolate in the freezer sounds like a great idea. :)

    Yogi Mayan Cocoa Spice tea is yummy

    I keep Ghiradelli dark chocolate squares on hand. They are individually wrapped. Just buy the smallest package you can find. I eat 1square everyday.
  • IEatVeg
    IEatVeg Posts: 38 Member
    Tescos do mini mint ice creams - they're about the size of an after eight, but slightly more than the width of a pen, and they're only 37 calories each, so great to curb the craving. Tesco also do a raspberry ripple frozen mousse, only 80 calories - try freezing chocolate - curly wurlys are really good for this as you have the chocolate and then the toffee takes a while to eat. Hot chocolate - light options range from 35-45 calories per sachet. Instead of giving up drinking you could look at the non-alcoholic versions - Kopperberg berry cider is only 137 calories a bottle. Instead of 'giving' up things look at finding a healthier/low calorie alternative and then you have the best of both worlds, moderation is key :smiley:

    I'll be honest me and milk based stuff don't get along sometimes I'm ok and other times I get bloating just like when I eat gluten. Thanks for the ideas though. I used to drink options about 10 years ago but then I got into the habit of using cocoa powder just to get a better cocoa hit. I gave up drinking quite awhile(not recently)ago but I have tried the kopperberg non alcoholic and there pretty nice. I agree moderation is most definitely key. :)