Cardio...DO I HAVE TO?

I'm usually good about getting my cardio in. I run, play basketball, swim & go to spin class for my cardio on top of 30 minutes of weight lifting. I have been having serious issues with my achilles which has been hurting over a year but as of late its been getting worse & I think it's because i am doing too much. My question is, is cardio absolutely needed in able to thin out and get toned, even when you've changed your eating habits and upped your strength training from 30 minutes to 1hour?


  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    No, cardio is not necessary to "lean out." Keep up with your weight training while in a calorie deficit. The deficit is what is key to losing weight, the strength training helps you to maintain muscle and lose a higher percentage of fat.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    Nope, plenty of lean people here do little or no cardio. It has health benefits, but for the purpose of being lean and maintaining muscle a calorie deficit a strength training will do just fine.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Nope i would say loads of people do zilch cardio especially the lifters.
    My priority would be to make sure I avoid injury, so cut back, maybe alternate or cut some of them out completely. Apart from the swomming then I cna seel all of the others putting more strain on your achilles, but it would be ood if you talked to your physio.

    To get thin you just need a consistent calorific deficit.
    You cna up your weights if you want.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    As the others have said.......cardio is not mandatory. My concern is that your Achilles tendon has been hurting for over a year.....see someone about that rather than guessing what the cause may be (it may be as simple as strengthening your calf muscles or it could be something serious)
  • 10inprogress
    10inprogress Posts: 89 Member
    Not at all. Diet will make or break you in general but especially so if cardio isn't a factor. Keep your calories on target and you'll still lean out.