Starting insanity


I am starting insanity today anyone out there recently started it also?



  • xcmum
    xcmum Posts: 136
    I am onto day 2 :) it's a lot more intense than i imagined!!
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I'm almost done with week 2. It doesn't get any easier, but the results start showing up fast. Take pictures before you start, then take more every off day. I didn't think I was getting any results the first week until I compared my day 0 and day 7 pictures side by side. I couldn't believe the change I saw when I wasn't seeing it incrementally. It certainly gives you that boost to dig deeper and keep at it. Expect to be extremely sore the first week. For me, I stopped being sore after the first rest day (end of week 1). I'm still tired at the end, but it doesn't hurt to move anymore. The pictures I took are on my profile if you're interested. Feel free to add me.
  • xcmum
    xcmum Posts: 136
    Oh i can't wait till i can move freely again. I've got a 30km bike ride to do and then 10km run tomorrow so i hope they loosen me out a bit.. I've taken pictures today cause i forgot yesterday.. I really want to tone not sure if this will do that but i'm enjoying the challenge.
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    i pirated the insanity workouts from a co-worker, and was going to begin earlier this week, but as i was starting to get insane, my downstairs neighbor banged on his ceiling indicating i best stop flouncing about :frown:

    i guess my at-home workouts will hafta stick to yoga, and more intense stuff will have to continue outside my condo. stupid neighbors.
  • aauraa
    aauraa Posts: 12
    i pirated the insanity workouts from a co-worker, and was going to begin earlier this week, but as i was starting to get insane, my downstairs neighbor banged on his ceiling indicating i best stop flouncing about :frown:

    i guess my at-home workouts will hafta stick to yoga, and more intense stuff will have to continue outside my condo. stupid neighbors.

    I know what you mean about the neighbours, haha but i don't care. It would be great to find a few people in the area who want to do it too and we can take the laptop in a park and just do it there in the evenings. It is less embarrassing and acceptable when there is a bunch of insane people jumping up and down in public :)))
  • Audrey0127
    Hey everyone! I want to start Insanity today as well. I have tried and done all the workouts in the program, however I can never stay motivated. I get sore and then get lazy and quit! I want to start and finish the program all the way through. In two months I start back to school with our teacher staff development and I want to shock and awe everyone there!!
    I really need help staying motivated every day and not giving up when I want to!

  • Phoenix_75
    Phoenix_75 Posts: 15 Member
    HI guys, thank you for your replies. I took some pics this morning before I started the fit test and plan to take a further pic each week to keep me motivated. I have been told its best to not look at the scales for the first few weeks as you may not loose much weight initially as this can be demotivating. Has anyone found this?

  • giggalon
    giggalon Posts: 22 Member
    Take measurements, don't look at the scales!! :D