How do the working/busy moms and dads fit exercise in?



  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I get up at 4:45 am to get to the gym by 5:40ish, work out till 6:20 then get ready for work at 7 am. On the weekends I go to the gym I put my son in the gym's daycare. Sometimes on my lunch break I'll go for a walk but I only get a guaranteed lunch break on Tuesdays, the other days are all up in the air. I used to use my jogging stroller a lot but he's too old/big now.
  • kbolton322
    kbolton322 Posts: 358 Member
    I'm a mom of two girls age 7 and 5.. I work full time and we have their soccer chedule to work around. I run Tuesday and Thursdays at night and I leave the girls home with my husband for the time.. Saturday and Sundays are my other running days and I have either my sister or step mom come over and sit with the girls if my husband is at work (these are my early morning runs) If I want to work out the other three days I pop in a DVD and work out in my room or my living room and my girls sometimes like to join in.. which is good extra training for their soccer..
    Friend me if you would like. I love having other mommy friends.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    I try to walk every day during lunch at work for 20/30 minutes & do some kind of workout in the evenings at home. I used to leave my daughter in aftercare to go to the gym and strength train or do cardio immediately after work so it's out of the way. Now I invested in TRX system. Awesome to do in the comfort of my home. Also, children love videos. Pop one in & do your workout for as long as you can while they are entertained or involve them. My daughter sits on my lap while I do calve raises etc. Simple weights or even resistance bands are wonderful. I get down on the floor & do tons of exercises.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    We have 3 kids (7yr boy, 5yr gurl, 1yr boy) and just split the day up. My wife gets up at 4am to do TRX and work out before the kids wake up, then works from 7-3:30. I take the morning routine and get them off to school/daycare and involve the kids in morning calisthenics before sending them off. Then I work 8-5 and work out afterwards from 6-7pm.

    We all try to do something together at night and especially on weekends like a night time bike ride.
  • majigurl
    majigurl Posts: 660 Member
    Work out videos and dancing before kids got up and after kids went to bed. That's what I did prior to getting a gym membership near my work. Now I work out during my lunch hour. If there are no gyms, start the c5k ( free app you can dl ) and start jogging on your lunch hour.
    We go to the park a lot during the summer and I try and keep the kids moving. There are workout vids you can watch to show you workouts you can do at the park lol
    go swimming with your kids. Get a cart for your bike and get the kids in there. The added weight of pulling them will help you drop lol
    Playing ball with your kids is great! swimming with them.
    If you start teaching them to have an active lifestyle you will be helping yourself AND them. win win.
    Other silly things I do is park FAR away from the stores. I tell my kids " every step counts".

    Other ideas are doing well squats while brushing your teeth. toe ups ( not sure the right name, but when you go up on your toes for a few seconds and come back down repeat ) when doing dishes. and doing squats when folding laundry instead of just sitting to fold. Be creative :)
    Good luck!
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    I go on my lunch hour or I suck it up and get a sitter for after they are in bed. I'm a single mom and I just make it work.

    Well now I'm telling myself, "yeah, but you don't even have to pay a sitter", next time I make mental excuses.