I HATE exercise. Need motivation.



  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I hate the first two weeks back to lifting because they hurt. The solution to this problem is not "don't lift." It is "don't stop lifting." It won't hurt as much if you keep after it consistently, but that being said, it's hard to keep after something you don't like. If you don't like what you're doing, try something else. I hate exercise videos, because I am clumsy and my memory for choreography sucks. I love lifting because it's efficient, simple, and over quickly. I like water jogging because I don't pour sweat, I don't get chlorine hair, and I can still socialize with my workout partner. I like walking, even though I sweat buckets, because I enjoy the alone time, and the view as I walk past the lake by my house.

    Find something you kind of enjoy and stick with it until you're past the pain and awkwardness so that you can LOVE IT. Or at least love how it makes you feel.
  • courtneylykins5
    courtneylykins5 Posts: 168 Member
    Exercise can really be any kind of movement. Do you have an animal shelter near you that you can volunteer at? My favorite work out is a Sunday morning of walking dogs.

  • bivski
    bivski Posts: 6 Member
    You just have to keep with it, getting up earlier was a hassle, now I get up that time everyday eat go to the gym. It may get old some mornings but I still do it. When i don't the day just doesn't seem right.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    edited June 2015
    I hate it in any shape or form - I hate sweating, I hate feeling so tired, I hate feeling like my lungs are going to burst, I hate the aching for days after.

    The bottom line is you hate it because you aren't very good at it right now, but that could change easily. It's all up to you.

    When you consistently exercise and push yourself to do better you will a) not feel so tired, b) your lungs won't feel like bursting but will support you in everything you want to do, c) you won't ache for days and whatever you do feel you'll relish as a sign of progress, d) you'll learn about pacing yourself, stretching, and all sorts of other cool things that will make your exercise pleasant, fun, something to look forward to, sustainable over the long run, and e) you'll set yourself up for life-long fitness which has the potential to add many years of happy and healthy living to your life.

    The alternatives: none of them are good, not now in the short term and definitely not over the course of your life.

    When we are young we often think we are invincible or have tons of time to change or do things differently later. That's a very bad attitude trap to fall in to.

    Since you are here asking questions, congratulations, you've taken a step towards a better, fit for life, you. What you need now is not motivation but commitment - from within - to do the work necessary to make it fun.

    Good luck!

  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    Stop hating it. Take a really good look inside and ask why? You have to want it. Any thought can be changed. You just need to retrain your brain.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    mwyvr wrote: »
    The bottom line is you hate it because you aren't very good at it right now, but that could change easily. It's all up to you.

    this pretty much sums it up.