How to shift the fat

I'm 5"3 and weigh 118lb. I don't know how accurate scales are but I have used 2 different ones and both say my body fat percentage is around 20%. I have a lot of excess fat around my tummy and hips (when I google 20% body fat, pictures show women with flat stomachs). I also have very weak abs and curved lower back which makes my tummy look even bigger. What more can I do to shift this fat?

I eat 1200 calories a day (healthy foods mostly, fruit and veg every day).
Mondays cardio at the gym (45 mins)
Tuesday swim (45 mins)
Saturday run (45 mins)
Sunday weights (30 mins)

Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays I sometimes include a run or weights

What am I doing wrong? I have a very busy lifestyle so can't spend hours exercising and I eat healthy

Edit: cant seem to add a picture via the ipad but this one from google is what my stomach is like


  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm 5"3 and weigh 118lb. I don't know how accurate scales are but I have used 2 different ones and both say my body fat percentage is around 20%. I have a lot of excess fat around my tummy and hips (when I google 20% body fat, pictures show women with flat stomachs). I also have very weak abs and curved lower back which makes my tummy look even bigger. What more can I do to shift this fat?

    I eat 1200 calories a day (healthy foods mostly, fruit and veg every day).
    Mondays cardio at the gym (45 mins)
    Tuesday swim (45 mins)
    Saturday run (45 mins)
    Sunday weights (30 mins)

    Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays I sometimes include a run or weights

    What am I doing wrong? I have a very busy lifestyle so can't spend hours exercising and I eat healthy

    There are others here who are more up on it, but I'm guessing they will say to drop some of the cardio and increase the weights to three days a week. What you are doing with all that cardio (catabolic) is working against the weight lifting (anabolic). I'm reading "The New Rules of Lifting for Women" (widely recommended by people on MFP). It is fascinating. The author says that you will not have any strength gains unless you lift for two or more days per week (with a maximum of three days in any seven-day period). You also will not have many strength gains (no matter what others say) if you are on calorie-restriction. He recommends eating at maintenance and lifting three days per week. Claims it is better at burning body fat than tons of cardio. So far, I have discovered that he is right. I increased my calories, and increased the length of the weight-lifting sessions in addition to going to three days a week. I also increased the amount of weight. My weight has stayed the same but I have lost an inch off my waist and my clothing is fitting a lot looser. :-)
  • leslieirving1970
    leslieirving1970 Posts: 41 Member
    First of all, if you are interested in finding out a more accurate body fat %, I recommend you get measured. If you are a gym member, go speak to a decent personal trainer and you will have a better idea as to where you are at! Also, I have found that reducing my cardio and focusing on a weights/resistance programme has helped burn more fat and helped keep my muscle. I have lost 90lbs and for most of that I was just doing cardio. I have lost a lot of muscle but now I have a more structured weights and nutrition plan and even though I'm on a calorie deficit I am getting my muscle back and getting a much better body shape. Good luck!
  • RobynLB83
    RobynLB83 Posts: 626 Member
    I don't think you need to drop your cardio. You aren't doing a ton of it. Can you add 15 minutes of calisthenics to your 45 minute cardio sessions? That'll get you 45 minutes more strength each week, and you're already working out anyways...
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Eat more calories and start lifting more than once per week. To figure out how many calories go here:

    Your weight is already healthy, so I'd go for either a very small cut (like 10%) or eat at maintenance and do recomposition. That's what I'm doing, and it's a slow process, but it's working.

    Start a progressive loading lifting program like Starting Strength, Stronglifts, or New Rules of Lifting for Women. I do Stronglifts.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    Lift more with heavier weights...I only weigh about 4lbs less than I did last summer, but I'm wearing 2sizes smaller, lifting will change your body composition

    Stronglifts is a great program that you can do very easily in 30-45 minutes and only need to do it 3x a week and there is a great stronglifts group here that gives you a solid background...good luck'
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Eat more calories and start lifting more than once per week. To figure out how many calories go here:

    Your weight is already healthy, so I'd go for either a very small cut (like 10%) or eat at maintenance and do recomposition. That's what I'm doing, and it's a slow process, but it's working.

    Start a progressive loading lifting program like Starting Strength, Stronglifts, or New Rules of Lifting for Women. I do Stronglifts.
