Looking for like minded people with similar goals I've lost 56lbs and I have another 30lbs to go !!

Anyone in the same sort of boat lacking motivation now I've lost a large amount need my determination back !!
I'm 24 currently at 13.04 need to get to around 10.07 I'm a mum of twins they are 2 and I'm also married im astay at home mum and not very active my weight holds me back I need the rest gone so my confidence can be restored !!


  • lucycasella
    lucycasella Posts: 4 Member
    I've lost 50 and still have another 12. I've been where you are it's. Frustrating like a roller coaster ride but you can do it believe in your self put a picture of yourself of the weight you were of the way you want to be to keep yourself motivated get a buddy to keep you going