Trying to get over the negative thoughts

So I have been taking part in a boot camp for the last 7 weeks (1 week to go), 3x/week. I have picked up 2 extra classes/week for these last 2 weeks and it will be over next Friday. I am feeling so much stronger, lost some weight and inches (I won't know a total until next Friday) and have been generally feeling pretty good about myself, until I caught a glimpse of my reflection in a window and was instantly disappointed. It's hard to explain...I felt so much better than I looked and then felt that I hadn't yet earned to feel that good about myself. I know that this is ridiculous, but I couldn't stop that feeling. Hoping with time, these thoughts will pass?! Anybody else go through this thought process?


  • SideSteel
    SideSteel Posts: 11,068 Member
    So I have been taking part in a boot camp for the last 7 weeks (1 week to go), 3x/week. I have picked up 2 extra classes/week for these last 2 weeks and it will be over next Friday. I am feeling so much stronger, lost some weight and inches (I won't know a total until next Friday) and have been generally feeling pretty good about myself, until I caught a glimpse of my reflection in a window and was instantly disappointed. It's hard to explain...I felt so much better than I looked and then felt that I hadn't yet earned to feel that good about myself. I know that this is ridiculous, but I couldn't stop that feeling. Hoping with time, these thoughts will pass?! Anybody else go through this thought process?

    You might want to consider keeping a variety of metrics that are measurable so that you give yourself opportunities to validate that you're making improvements.

    And there's all sorts of things beyond weight. Clothing fit, measurements, bodyfat analysis, habit tracking, journaling, progress in the gym or whatever other exercise you partake in, etc.
  • Elle_Bronwyn15
    Elle_Bronwyn15 Posts: 296 Member
    I went through this many times over the years with weight loss, eventually over time it will get better.
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    I get it.
    I was feeling good. running at a good pace and then I saw my reflection. fat girl running

    I just remind myself that I'm doing this so I can be a happier and healthier me. There is a fit girl on the inside dying to come out.

    or I was feeling good about what I was eating and my exercising and my scale has been going up. so frustrating but I go thru the check marks: I probably ate more than I thought- maybe, I ate salty salty foods two days in a row, its getting to be my TOM.

    and I remind myself it's a marathon, not a sprint. I didn't do this to myself overnight and I cannot fix it overnight
  • RolemodelmomT
    RolemodelmomT Posts: 107 Member
    Thanks for your replies.

    SideSteel...great advice! Glad to here it gets better. I will wrap my brain around this!!! :)
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    The brain is such a mystery!
    Even though I'm almost at my ideal weight, I went out last weekend in a cute clingy sundress and I "felt fat" until my husband took a picture of me and my daughter and I looked at myself and I got such a shock at how tiny I looked!
    I know what size I am and what I weigh and yet in my mind I am sometimes still 185 pounds. Such a truly strange phenomenon!
    Just keep with the program and you'll keep getting stronger, healthier and smaller but it will take even longer for your brain and body to get into sync with the reality of how you actually appear to yourself.
  • maril101
    maril101 Posts: 12 Member
    I want to remind everyone of something I have come to understand over the years. Reflections don't necessarily reflect the truth. (That statement has more than one kind of reflection in mind). Personal reflections aren't always necessarily accurate, nor are store windows (or any windows) which can add five or ten pounds, squash everything and are generally unreliable. Mirrors are not all created equal as well. I fall into the same trap repeatedly. The building where I work reflects my image back to me, head to foot, every day and I'm telling you, it would make me go jump off I bridge if I believed it. It's really hard to change a lifetime of perceptions, especially about ourselves. Keep up the good work and remember what you think you see with your very own eyes is just that....what you THINK you see. Keep up the good work. You are showing amazing fortitude.
  • Ironmaiden4life
    Ironmaiden4life Posts: 422 Member
    We tend to really put ourselves through the wringer over our exterior packaging. I think sidesteel's suggestion is great especially for those 'down' days. I also know that we have to start on the inside or no matter where we end up on the scale or the number on the tag inside our clothes it will never be good enough.

    It's a long slow road learning to accept yourself and more importantly love yourself, something I work on everyday. The first place to start is to learn not to compare yourself with others because trust me how other people present themselves to the outside world often isn't how they feel on the inside. Most of us have all the same insecurities going on inside, we just choose to hide it.

    Love what everyone wrote here and it's good to know you're not alone in this. :)
  • nyponbell
    nyponbell Posts: 379 Member
    Pretty much every day that I don't work out - or take a seriously long walk. I think it because it feels like the fat is just "sitting there" instead of feeling in my body, even if it's not visible, that I am actually working on it. If it's the same for you, once this program is over maybe add in some kind of daily exercises - before my back gave out (and once I can work with it again) I did 15 burpees, 10 push-ups, 20 squats, and 2 1-minute planks. Sometimes I did it all at once, but if I didn't have the time I would split it up and do what I could - that way I felt that I was actually working my body daily, even if I didn't get a "proper" work-out in that day.
  • RolemodelmomT
    RolemodelmomT Posts: 107 Member
    Thank you so much everyone, very touching...made me tear up. I will persevere and keep it positive. Again thank you for the kind words. <3