Backslid and starting over

julieannka Posts: 9 Member
Hi! I lost about 15 lbs. a couple years ago, and regained it all back after suffering from health problems and family issues. I really need to lose a minimum of 40 lbs. for health reasons, but would like to lose more if possible.

I am 62, 5'2", and weight 182 lbs. My ideal weight was 124, which I was able to maintain until I was in my early 50's when it stayed in around the 140-145 range. After retiring from a physically demanding job and quitting smoking I managed to pack on 40 more lbs in the past 8 years.

The idea that I could return to a weight I'm comfortable with seems out of reach and overwhelming and I would be grateful for any help or advice.

I should add that I have COPD , so strenuous exercise is out of the question.

Thank you for reading this!


  • professionalHobbyist
    professionalHobbyist Posts: 1,316 Member
    It is easy enough and you have done this before!

    A good filling variety of food you can live with, and a limit of calories per your food log goals...

    And you are ready.

    Best wishes on your journey and with your COPD