If I want to lose weight+build muscle, mfp better than weight watchers?

Hey guys!! My name is Jen. I was once on weight watchers and lost weight but bought a home scale and it stopped me from weighing in at the meetings and I gave up. I am finding that I want to do more than lose weight. I want to build muscle as well. Would my fitness pal be better for these goals. Weight watchers worked better for me with weight loss goal because it allowed me to cheat guilt free with weekly points. Mfp does not give you that. Also I ate more on weight watchers and lost weight slower which I hear is best. I see a lot of body builders who lost weight in the past using my fitness pal. If I want to build muscle without a trainer would the premium benefit me more. If it's worth the money, I will purchase for the year rather than rejoining weight watchers. Thanks!


  • JanelleG0122
    JanelleG0122 Posts: 323 Member
    I have been losing weight and gaining muscle just by tracking my calories, going to the gym, and using free YouTube weight training videos. Different things work for different people. I'm not a premium member, but I've lost 10 pounds and already doubled my bench pressing and leg pressing and built up my endurance in a month. You don't need expensive programs, just lots of research. Good Luck!