I've gained weight and don't mind that much.. But I'm scared what other people will think

So over the last 2 months I've definitely gained some weight. Purely because I relaxed, quit my gym membership to save money and decided the health obsessive life wasn't for me. That didn't mean I decided I'd start eating everything in sight and not doing any exercise. I still have an active lifestyle (walk to work = 30 mins walk a day, my job means I'm on my feet almost all day, and I run sometimes) But I did probably start treating myself a little too often just because I suddenly could and didn't feel as bad (still get some guilt). I can tell I've gained weight.. Not hugely as all my clothes still fit (some jeans are a little tighter around the waist but fine on the leg etc) but I do wear quite loose clothes anyway so who knows. I've not weighed myself as I don't have scales and don't think it'd be useful to. I am trying to cut down the 'treat yourself' moments (not cut out completely) but I'm not really trying to lose weight, just don't want to gain more.

I'm not too worried about the weight I've gained, but I am worried about seeing people (mostly family and old friends I haven't seen for ages) and them noticing. Mainly because I lost a stone last year and everyone noticed and commented how good I looked, so now I'm scared it'll be the opposite (minus the comments) and people will think I've 'let myself go'. Is this ridiculous? I'm even worried what my parents will think...

Note - I know I'm not fat and not overweight, my highest weight (I'm pretty sure I'm not quite there at the moment) was 10 stone 5 pounds, and lowest was 9 stone (when I was being quite unhealthy).
