Lets motivate each other to lose weight and to live healthy.

pokeas Posts: 4 Member

Hey Guys!

Im a med student living in Romania, overweight and tired of it.
Just found this community and I wish I would have found it earlier! I think this is one of the greatest resources and tools, in a world with millions of cooking shows and health gurus and dieting trends all trying to profit from your health issues, often without any scientific basis.
Currently I have a BMI around 33, and want to go for a healthy body size and lifestyle.
Feel free to add me so we can motivate each other and share ideas, but only if you also take this seriously and intend to go trough with your plan!
I will make my food list visible for friends so we can improve and gain ideas from each other, appreciate if you do the same. Although most of my scanned items are in Romanian but they are easy to translate and available everywhere. Feel free to message me to share our knowledge.
Thx David.