Calories totally different from day to day!



  • VeniceQueen89
    VeniceQueen89 Posts: 24 Member
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    my question is, is EXTREME zigzagging really bad? I mean keeping my weekly average of 1200 while basically fasting for at least three days a week. I can easily clear 4000 cals with alcohol and food while socialising so I'm just curious to know if I really can 'save' this many calories and use them all in one go.

    For me I usually look at the weekly caloric deficit goal and average that over week. I know I need to be stingy during the weekdays because, like you, I can rack up some drink calories on the weekend. It works out for me as long as I track it all and I hit that weekly deficit number.

    This is what I was wondering. It's very extreme at the moment so I think I should at least try to even the days out a bit more. In all fairness I've always "banked" calories from most days for the weekend like a lot of people do, just not to such an extent. I'm also wondering if there would be a benefit to something like a multivit while my appetite is so sporadic?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    my question is, is EXTREME zigzagging really bad? I mean keeping my weekly average of 1200 while basically fasting for at least three days a week. I can easily clear 4000 cals with alcohol and food while socialising so I'm just curious to know if I really can 'save' this many calories and use them all in one go.

    For me I usually look at the weekly caloric deficit goal and average that over week. I know I need to be stingy during the weekdays because, like you, I can rack up some drink calories on the weekend. It works out for me as long as I track it all and I hit that weekly deficit number.

    This is what I was wondering. It's very extreme at the moment so I think I should at least try to even the days out a bit more. In all fairness I've always "banked" calories from most days for the weekend like a lot of people do, just not to such an extent. I'm also wondering if there would be a benefit to something like a multivit while my appetite is so sporadic?

    yes, you can "bank" calories..however, most people save like 50 to 100 a day for the weekend or something like that...

    It is not advised to just eat nothing for a few days and then consume 4000 calories or something like that, as that is going to set you up for a binge cycle...

  • VeniceQueen89
    VeniceQueen89 Posts: 24 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    my question is, is EXTREME zigzagging really bad? I mean keeping my weekly average of 1200 while basically fasting for at least three days a week. I can easily clear 4000 cals with alcohol and food while socialising so I'm just curious to know if I really can 'save' this many calories and use them all in one go.

    For me I usually look at the weekly caloric deficit goal and average that over week. I know I need to be stingy during the weekdays because, like you, I can rack up some drink calories on the weekend. It works out for me as long as I track it all and I hit that weekly deficit number.

    This is what I was wondering. It's very extreme at the moment so I think I should at least try to even the days out a bit more. In all fairness I've always "banked" calories from most days for the weekend like a lot of people do, just not to such an extent. I'm also wondering if there would be a benefit to something like a multivit while my appetite is so sporadic?

    yes, you can "bank" calories..however, most people save like 50 to 100 a day for the weekend or something like that...

    It is not advised to just eat nothing for a few days and then consume 4000 calories or something like that, as that is going to set you up for a binge cycle...

    Moderation.. I know. I need to have a word with myself!
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    yes, you can "bank" calories..however, most people save like 50 to 100 a day for the weekend or something like that...

    It is not advised to just eat nothing for a few days and then consume 4000 calories or something like that, as that is going to set you up for a binge cycle...

    Exactly. For me I general handle overages or wanting more deficit to eat or drink more by adding in more conditioning and exercise. I really do like to eat and drink. :)

  • VeniceQueen89
    VeniceQueen89 Posts: 24 Member
    Chaelaz wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    yes, you can "bank" calories..however, most people save like 50 to 100 a day for the weekend or something like that...

    It is not advised to just eat nothing for a few days and then consume 4000 calories or something like that, as that is going to set you up for a binge cycle...

    Exactly. For me I general handle overages or wanting more deficit to eat or drink more by adding in more conditioning and exercise. I really do like to eat and drink. :)

    So do I usually... and not with weird habits!! I never thought I'd be wishing for my normal appetite back!
  • tekkiechikk
    tekkiechikk Posts: 375 Member
    Hi Venice.. hopefully the family situation is temporary and once the stress of that situation backs off you can go back to eating normally again. If it is temporary, I wouldn't be too concerned with a bit of a zig-zag. Our bodies are built pretty cleverly and can handle spikes in calories (unless you have health issues, like diabetes- then definitely seek medical advice). If you are concerned about getting enough calories, I've always found that liquid nutrition can help (not alcohol, but a high-calorie protein drink or smoothie of some kind). Easier to get down than food, especially when your stomach is in knots. Maybe set one meal everyday for a protein shake and try to stick to drinking it whether you feel like it or not. Good luck to you, hope it all works out.
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    There are many different types of Intermittent Fasting, and one of them is Warrior Style where you eat all of your calories for the day at one meal or within a 4 hour window. It truly doesn't matter when you get your calories in, but you definitely need more than 400 a day :) There's also the 5:2 cycle that works well for some. 2 days of low cal intake and 5 days at maintenance so people are eating satisfying amounts. To average a 1500 cal per day diet you'd eat 5 days at 1900 cals each and 2 days at 500 cals each. That averages 1500 cals per day per week.

    If your intake is set for 1500 a day and you have that all in one meal, that's fine too. Some people prefer to graze on mini meals all day or every few hours, some like 2 - 3 meals, some like meals plus snacks, whatever. Do what works for you, but get adequate nutrition for obvious reasons, and get your intake up to a moderate deficit from your maintenance level.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    So do I usually... and not with weird habits!! I never thought I'd be wishing for my normal appetite back! [/quote]

    The problem with extreme zigzagging is it is very easy to lose track of where a day or week is deficit wise. Lots of studies show that consistency is easier to maintain and meets with more success. Actually, there are plenty of studies that show most successful people losing weight actually eat very similar things daily or weekly and don't have a tone of variety in meals. I do this a lot without thinking about it, because...well...then I don't have to really think about it. I know my meals and can keep track easier. In weeks I have extremes I log as best I can. Some weeks end up a big wash and I just scratch it and pick up on the next week. Or maybe it gets crazy over a month...I just keep it in my mind to regroup and try to steady things best I can as soon as possible.

    For me things haven't been linear, for sure.

    Best of luck.

  • jaga13
    jaga13 Posts: 1,149 Member
    I've so far gone from 231lbs to 149lbs with mfp over the last two years (my goal is around 135, for reference I'm female and just shy of 5'8) Admittedly I didn't do it too healthily, I've gone by the CICO method because I'm just not satisfied eating small amounts of good stuff through the day.. I would rather starve all day and then eat something I really enjoy (my daily avg was always 1000-1200, I'm set at 1200) This has worked for me until now but recently my appetite has gone through the floor due to personal issues and I'm having to force myself to eat. Sometimes I don't eat at all and my average a lot of the time comes out around 400 which I know is bad and I'm consciously trying to up it. I do like a drink at the weekend and this kick starts my appetite without fail.. my question is, is EXTREME zigzagging really bad? I mean keeping my weekly average of 1200 while basically fasting for at least three days a week. I can easily clear 4000 cals with alcohol and food while socialising so I'm just curious to know if I really can 'save' this many calories and use them all in one go. I am consistently losing at a slower pace but I don't want to harm my body, I just find this is the only way I can feel satisfied at the moment and meet my weekly goal which I know is already pretty low. Serious answers please, I know it's not ideal but reading up on the weekly vs daily debate, I haven't found anyone that varies as much as I do and I want to know if short term it's ok. Thanks :)

    When you eat 4000 calories, doesn't this give you a stomach ache?? I can't see how it would not!
  • VeniceQueen89
    VeniceQueen89 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Venice.. hopefully the family situation is temporary and once the stress of that situation backs off you can go back to eating normally again. If it is temporary, I wouldn't be too concerned with a bit of a zig-zag. Our bodies are built pretty cleverly and can handle spikes in calories (unless you have health issues, like diabetes- then definitely seek medical advice). If you are concerned about getting enough calories, I've always found that liquid nutrition can help (not alcohol, but a high-calorie protein drink or smoothie of some kind). Easier to get down than food, especially when your stomach is in knots. Maybe set one meal everyday for a protein shake and try to stick to drinking it whether you feel like it or not. Good luck to you, hope it all works out.

    Thank you, that's reassuring to hear.. I know long term it's not good but I'm just kind of getting from day to day at the moment. I have no other health conditions, blood pressure etc has all returned to normal as I became a healthy weight. I am going to make an effort to try and balance it out more and I think the smoothie way is probably a good one. I need to set aside some time and bulk make them it's just hard to find the inclination to do it.
    Nelly I've kind of been fooling myself that I'm on some kind of IF diet but if I don't eat adequately on the days I'm not "fasting" then it's basically just a really bad eating habit. Especially when my fast days are literally no food. I don't think I could handle 1900 daily and I can't believe I'm saying that! I think it's a psychological thing that is manifesting itself in my eating habits. I agree IF is great if you do it properly and my weight loss was aided by doing it periodically.
  • dorkyfaery
    dorkyfaery Posts: 255 Member
    Thanks guys, I've tried counselling before and it helped slightly but it's really difficult to get that sort of treatment where I the time you get to the top of the waiting list circumstances have changed! Thing is, stuff was going well for a while and I felt a lot better. Then a couple of things happened and it's just pulled me back down again. I've suffered with a&d for ten years (I'm 26 - it seems to be a family thing) but in the past my attitude towards food went the other way hence me reaching over 16 stone! Preparing food and things are really not interesting to me, I'd rather not bother, so when I do eat during the week it's usually something like pre packaged sandwiches. Are things like that ok as long as I'm eating something?? Again not ideal I know xx

    I ran into a similar issue a couple of years ago. I was trying to see either a psychologist or a psychiatrist but both had super long waiting lists. Since I already had the meds from my GP, instead I sought out a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and did my therapy with that person. I was able to get in right away, my insurance covered it, and I got immediate assistance working through the issues I was facing.
  • VeniceQueen89
    VeniceQueen89 Posts: 24 Member

    When you eat 4000 calories, doesn't this give you a stomach ache?? I can't see how it would not![/quote]

    It's probably not quite 4000 maybe 3500.. going out, beer, cocktails, lunch or dinner with friends, or both.. It all adds up and when I've had a drink I seem to just revert back to my old self and crave carbs and fried stuff. It doesn't seem to cause me any pain or anything.
  • slaite1
    slaite1 Posts: 1,307 Member
    You're just going through a rough patch and falling back on old habits. Don't be so hard on yourself. You don't have to bulk cook or put all of this pressure on yourself. Buy some pre-made foods and snacks. Whatever fruit you like, popcorn, cheeses, a rotisserie chicken, etc. Buy some "junk food" as well. My suggestion would be to just make it as simple as possible for the time being.

    I know I'm headed for a bad episode when I stop cooking and stop working out. I've come to recognize this and try to make myself get easy foods so I don't start either not eating or eating nothing but fast food. Walk every day as well. Baby steps are the key.

    And don't lie to yourself about the IF thing. IF is an intentional fast. Not a depressive lack of appetite followed by a drunken binge. Call it what it is and do the best you can until you have it all figured out.
  • VeniceQueen89
    VeniceQueen89 Posts: 24 Member
    slaite1 wrote: »
    You're just going through a rough patch and falling back on old habits. Don't be so hard on yourself. You don't have to bulk cook or put all of this pressure on yourself. Buy some pre-made foods and snacks. Whatever fruit you like, popcorn, cheeses, a rotisserie chicken, etc. Buy some "junk food" as well. My suggestion would be to just make it as simple as possible for the time being.

    I know I'm headed for a bad episode when I stop cooking and stop working out. I've come to recognize this and try to make myself get easy foods so I don't start either not eating or eating nothing but fast food. Walk every day as well. Baby steps are the key.

    And don't lie to yourself about the IF thing. IF is an intentional fast. Not a depressive lack of appetite followed by a drunken binge. Call it what it is and do the best you can until you have it all figured out.

    I think I'm gonna do do that tomorrow, go out and buy lots of pre prepared stuff. The chicken idea is good, when I am eating properly chicken and cheese are two of my favourites. Hopefully things will figure themselves out but you're all right in that I need to start putting more fuel in my body coz it's probably making me worse the longer it carries on and forming more bad habits .I first joined to get rid of unhealthy eating habits so I guess I'm just starting again from the other side. X