
Hi all. I am back to MFP after a long break after pregnancy, having baby and breastfeeding! I've waited far too long to start back and the weight needs to go now. I have 14lbs to go to get back to Pre-pregnancy weight but would like to lose 22lbs. I've been doing 5:2 for last month and not lost a single oz or inch after it working very well for me a couple years so I'm back to calorie counting every day and hope the weight shifts soon. I'm in the UK and after any friends that can give me a kick up the bum when I need it ;-) x


  • StephieLou010
    StephieLou010 Posts: 5 Member
    Hiya, I am also attempting to shift the baby weight! My daughter is now 8 months so I have no excuses lol. Feel free to add me :-)