worst first date story.. go!



  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    I saw this guy that I used to go to school with. He was a class under me but we were in our 20's and he grew up looking pretty good, lol. We chatted for a bit then he asked if I'd like to go to dinner. I said sure, why not, and we decided on an authentic Mexican food place. So we're there, then he starts talking about how this place makes him feel at home because he used to be an old Mexican woman in a former life.....He had found some sort of new (to him) religion apparently. And said when he stands in a super hot shower with the water falling on his neck for 15 minutes he starts to see visions of his former life..... Maybe some other stuff, I have NO idea, I was in awe of what was happening, lol. I ate, because I love Mexican food, but didn't talk/see him again after that!

    omg.. that is funny and awful at the same time lol

    I feel like he was for sure on drugs. Whether they were religion related or not is up in the air.

    haha it definitely sounds like it
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    ThomasW13 wrote: »
    no offense to any guys on here, but some men are just absolutely clueless lol


    this is the best lol
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    no offense to any guys on here, but some men are just absolutely clueless lol

    They are! There was another dude. He worked at the same hospital I worked at and followed after me for more than a month, even coming in to work early just so he could talk to me (we worked in different departments). He finally asked me out so I said yes cause I was flattered. Come to find out, he asks EVERY moderately good looking girl out that works there. Anyway, that's beside the point. So, we talk on the phone and he asks me all these dumb questions, like what's my favorite color, food, etc. He shows up to our date with a box of cereal and a tiny heart balloon. The cereal wasn't even the same brand that I said I liked. Thankfully we met at a bar and I had my friend with me. We never went out again after that. I would have but HE blew me off. Maybe I wasn't appreciative enough, lol. There's trying, and then there is trying TOO hard.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    Ugh...just thinking about some of my past dates makes me cringe. I don't want to relive them! LOL
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    haha the cereal thing is weird but could've worked if it was the right kind!
  • hanksmom79
    hanksmom79 Posts: 85 Member
    I had a date that went on and on about how women lie about their weight on dating profiles and that one of the questions you had to answer on your profile should be what dress size you wear. He then proceeded to ask me what dress size I wore. When I answered with "an 8 or 10", he asked me "are you happy with that?". I'm mad at myself for even bothering to answer such an insulting question.

    I feel that I should add that all of my pictures were recent and there were several full body shots so I certainly wasn't misrepresenting myself.

    Oh yeah, he then was stupid enough to message me again about a month later with the same BS "we should meet" form letter. Hey a-hole, been there done that, no thanks :D
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    haha oh goodness... men :p
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited June 2015
    hanksmom79 wrote: »
    I had a date that went on and on about how women lie about their weight on dating profiles and that one of the questions you had to answer on your profile should be what dress size you wear. He then proceeded to ask me what dress size I wore. When I answered with "an 8 or 10", he asked me "are you happy with that?". I'm mad at myself for even bothering to answer such an insulting question.

    I feel that I should add that all of my pictures were recent and there were several full body shots so I certainly wasn't misrepresenting myself.

    Oh yeah, he then was stupid enough to message me again about a month later with the same BS "we should meet" form letter. Hey a-hole, been there done that, no thanks :D

    Well like people say. We all got bad apples. I would never ask a woman such a question. I wonder if you ignored him right after that question?

  • hanksmom79
    hanksmom79 Posts: 85 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I wonder if you ignored him right after that question?

    I should have just pretended I didn't hear him and gotten the h@!! out of there. The next 15 minutes were awful and awkward with comments from him like "It's not hard to meet people if you're hot" and equally ridiculous quotes. Live and learn :p
  • yourradimradletshug
    yourradimradletshug Posts: 964 Member
    So back when I was in my early 20's I had a date with this REALLLLLY good looking guy. At the time I had braces but we had skyped 2 days before the date and I know he saw them. So anyway, that night we meet up and when I see him he hugged me and I smiled and he said "Oh you have braces...." and I said "Uhh yeah is that a problem?" he shook his head and I ignored it and we went to get dinner. While sitting in the restaurant he looks at me and says "Ya know....I thought you'd be skinnier." (Mind you I only weighed like 125 at the time) So I threw my napkin on my plate and walked out. He followed me into the parking lot and said "I don't know why you are mad." So I told him off in front of all the people sitting on the deck and they aupplauded me as I walked away haha.

    Another one, I agreed to pick up this guy (his car was being repaired) and go out to eat. Well....after he gets in my car he turns and looks at the back seat and says "You got a pretty big back seat." I kicked him out right then and there and left.

    And people wonder why I am single....it's a-holes like this!
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    haha you go girl! I've had many like that (the big back seat guy) that never made it to a date... like if that's how you are with someone you barely know.... i'll pass. I got better things to do in my big back seat (or in my case, and the oh so popular request, the big bed of my truck) lol
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    hanksmom79 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    I wonder if you ignored him right after that question?

    I should have just pretended I didn't hear him and gotten the h@!! out of there. The next 15 minutes were awful and awkward with comments from him like "It's not hard to meet people if you're hot" and equally ridiculous quotes. Live and learn :p

    I won't cosign the bold but there is a little truth to it.

    That sounds like his confidence is pushing toward cockiness.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Big back seat guy or big back seat boy.

    Some Men don't participate in those high school back seat activities anymore. Some have our own places
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    Big back seat guy or big back seat boy.

    Some Men don't participate in those high school back seat activities anymore. Some have our own places

    even if you had your own place it could still be fun... just not for me. unless he had a very wide car. I'm a very tall woman... I don't see the combination of those two facts working well for me lol
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    OMG I cant believe you actually stayed for the movie, I would have left after mini golf. I met this guy online and the whole date was terrible, it was like dating a two year old...The next day he got hired on by my company and I had to work next to him for 2 years...Worst date ever!
  • michaelafoor916
    michaelafoor916 Posts: 710 Member
    I cant believe I did either haha young and dumb.... young and extremely dumb lol

    I've worked with an ex before and it was not pleasant...I think working with a guy you just went on a date with would have been just as bad lol
  • rugbyphreak
    rugbyphreak Posts: 509 Member
    I can't even imagine how some people raise families traveling with carnivals. Anyway, during that time (I was a teenager), the guy I was "with" fell asleep next to me one night with chew in his mouth. I woke up to him coughing it all over me. Not a first date, but gross as hell so I called it an experience and went back home to my parents.

    My current bf and I love to go to fairs, truck pulls, and festivals and we, of course, drink. One night, after a few beers, he decides to get a little ambitious and kiss me. Cute, right?! With his dip in!!!!! Like full on make out session right before I'm supposed to drive onto the track, buckled in, truck running, ready to go. And let me tell you, he doesn't take a pinch of chew, he takes a big old finger full. I grabbed his beer and rinsed my mouth out with it so fast! OH HELL NO. Now we have rules about his dip habit...
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I will contribute to the thread though.

    So my worst date ever was 100% my fault.

    I was meeting someone for the first time in DC. I kept telling her there would be traffic and she with my cousin assured me there would not be too much. I should of known that the NBA playoff Wizards had there home game on the same night. I was 45 minutes late to the movie I wanted to see with her. Traffic was trash. I could not find parking so garage that was open late was my best bet.

    She even called and said since I am late what should she do. I said well I would like for you to wait please. Am I surprised she did wait. IDK.

    So now for the interaction of meeting her late as hell. I notice that her IRL was a little different than her profile pic and I know I look different than my. Close to 15 pounds slimmer to be exact. We decided go get dinner. Apparently she was a little late from happy hour and was still drunk slowly coming down. We went to Clydes and both had a meal with an alcoholic beverage. I notice these two black women and one white woman keep straight my way as in oh an interracial thing going on. I just kept laughing to myself about that. It always funny to see people would care some much about others doing whatever they want. When the bill came she so insist on paying her half even when I said I would. Her card came back decline and I just said please just my it on my card. She was like I can pay with another card. It worked out. We decided to watch the movie at a late showing around 10 45 for the long avengers.

    I got people trying to talk to me and complain about the damn game. I didn't care about the Wizards or I would of watch the game at some point during the date. I was trying to be polite but at the same time I'm on a date. Go away with the basketball game.

    Now for the movie. It's long. She fell asleep. We were cuddling. Apparently like every woman I cuddle with I am warmer and they feel so cold on me which feels refreshen. I did try to go for a kiss at the movie and was decline so I just let that go. No point in trying again until I feel she feels more comfortable with me. When the movie ended she did ask me to take her home. Now this is where I really messed up. For some reason I could not find the garage I parked in. The entrance was not anywhere near how I got in the joint. It was getting late and she decided to take a cab home.

    I was so disappointed in myself. I expressed it to her. I think she might take some blame for me being late even though I knew I should of left earlier. She gave me this speech about how she didn't want to date me but was still down for wanting to hang out. Which is what I want. I don't want to date anymore at this moment. I definitely don't want to date someone 7 years older than me.

  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    Went out with a very nice guy a while back. We had a great time around town. Went to a local brewery and then to a bar to shoot a game of pool. Somewhere along the way he suggested we go check out the strip club. Dear men: Strip clubs are a no on the first date. If you haven't even seen me naked, looking at other women mostly naked isn't going to go over well. So disappointing.