1 monthpost partum

So i just had a baby last month. 2nd child this time i had an emergency c section. So this healing process is new to me. Im having a hard time transitioning out of my pregnancy bad habbits and eating healthier choices. I am breast feeding but i realized that i just grab anything to eat instead of making a meal or grabbing a healthy snack.i cant workout yet which makes it harder for me to watch my weight. But i did lose all my pregnancy weight now i want to lose 20lbs to continue to reach my fitness goal i had set last year. And i need to re tone my body.


  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Well, congratulations on the baby and way to go on ditching the pregnancy weight so quickly. You must not have gained much! I had a c-section with my daughter and after about four weeks I felt well enough to start walking. Maybe you can pre-portion out some healthy snacks while the baby is napping, or prep some meals for the week so you're not just grabbing the first thing that's available?