Working out at home

Whenever I walk into a gym I am confused. I've looked into all these work outs and even tried Insanity but I always felt like I was doing something wrong and gave up so easily because some were just way too crazy for me. I have such a sedentary lifestyle working an office job and school.

Can someone please help me set up a workout routine I could do five times a week to lose weight and later on maybe I can start focusing on getting toned later when I gain access to a gym in the winter.

I know you can't target where you want to lose weight, but is running good for losing weight all around? (hopefully my face)


  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    Eat at a deficit and run early in the morning works for me. When I get done I do 16 minutes of planks (side, front, side, leg lifts) 30 seconds on and 30 rest. If I really get into it I run 4 miles and stop at the gym on mile three for a quick Nautilus set followed by the last mile home.
  • chazza55
    chazza55 Posts: 27 Member
    edited June 2015
    I would have thought Insanity would be a pretty daunting place to start. Maybe start off with something to ease you into it a bit?

    My other half started off with the ShaunT Rockin' Body.....this looks a good way to ease you into it and designed to be more enjoyable as it is based on a dance style exercise. (I say "looks a good way" because I, being a man, cannot dance......but my other half loved it......but chose to move onto something more challenging after a while).

    She is currently doing the ShaunT Focus T25. She finds it challenging but enjoyable.

    I personally stick with eating less, running and kettlebell training (diet, cardio & resistance mix and have lost 5st9lbs since it is working for me.)
  • sadiebrawl
    sadiebrawl Posts: 863 Member
    You need to do what you like to do. If you like running then it should work for you for all over weight loss as long as you are eating healthy. I find getting rid of grains will get rid of puffiness in your face if that is something you are concerned with.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Exercise helps some for weight loss, it won't make it or break it. If you find some exercise you enjoy doing, then you can make it part of a lifestyle change. Making exercise part of a lifestyle change will help you maintain any weight you lose.

    For running look into Couch To 5K ....they have apps for that. Running is a great lifestyle change for many people.

    Exercise videos give you a chance to try new things. If you have no idea where to start, then I would go with free or cheap ideas until you can narrow the field. YouTube,, JessicaSmith TV, or Fitness Blender. Your local library and Netflix (by mail) will have DVDs. Check thrift shops, or Half Price Books stores.

    When you narrow the field a couple of sites that help you find DVDs that fit. and they give reviews and video clips. They tell you what equipment is required.
  • jaims224
    jaims224 Posts: 62 Member
    Running is fabulous for losing weight all around. It is a calorie torcher. I do all of my working out at home. I run 3x per week and do strength 2 days. For my strength days I do circuits that I found on Pinterest and Jillian Michaels DVDs. I always make sure to get in 10K steps every day.
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    moonmina wrote: »
    Can someone please help me set up a workout routine I could do five times a week to lose weight and later on maybe I can start focusing on getting toned later when I gain access to a gym in the winter.

    Look up Fitness Blender and check out their routines. They have them written out on the website as well as having videos on YouTube you can work out along to. They cover both conditioning and weight loss.

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    If you feel like you were overwhelmed with insanity and other workouts, why not start with only working out 3 days a week until you get a good routine and then add more days.

    I would recommend some resistance training which can include weight lifting or body resistance. There are plenty of routines you can do at home too. Also, if time is an issue, you can always pick up a program like P90X3 which is only 30 minutes (42 if you include the extra warm up) or do a program like "convict conditioning" and "you are your own gym".
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    If you're looking to get toned, make sure you are doing some amount of cardio (running, dancing, hula hooping, etc.) for at least 30 minutes per day to help blast that fat. On top of that, try doing yoga (can watch Youtube videos or onDemand classes) which is excellent for toning. Planks, squats and lunges are excellent as well.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,420 MFP Moderator
    alykief wrote: »
    If you're looking to get toned, make sure you are doing some amount of cardio (running, dancing, hula hooping, etc.) for at least 30 minutes per day to help blast that fat. On top of that, try doing yoga (can watch Youtube videos or onDemand classes) which is excellent for toning. Planks, squats and lunges are excellent as well.

    Cardio doesn't blast fat. Cardio works your cardiovascular muscles and can burn some calories. Resistance training works your muscular and skeletal system and can help maintain your muscle mass. But if you overall want a lean and tone look, hope you have good genetics, have low body fat and good body composition.
  • Fetch84
    Fetch84 Posts: 2 Member
    If you're looking to lose weight, it starts in the kitchen. Use the app to keep yourself at a deficit. Strength training will get those big engines consuming energy. If you're sedentary eating at a deficit is even more important. Get up and stretch. As for gym routines, something super simple like kettlebell swings every day with proper form will work wonders.
  • SarahSloth342634
    SarahSloth342634 Posts: 90 Member
    I workout at home as I wouldn't have a clue where to start in a gym. I check out youtube and try to do a different workout every day. There are so many. Aerobics, weights, steps. Befit for example and Hit workouts. Enough to get heart rate up to burn fat but without going crazy Definately not insanity!
  • ldhara244
    ldhara244 Posts: 15 Member
    edited June 2015
    I too do Shaun T Focus 25 and love it. I am 67 and it has helped me to loose 20 pounds since March. It just takes 25
    minutes and I do it in the morning. [Post edited by MFP mod]