PCOS - need friends to encourage and be encouraged by!



  • RebeccaMaunder
    RebeccaMaunder Posts: 171 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I was diagnosed at 16. I'm really just getting into losing the weight.
  • krinio
    krinio Posts: 138 Member
    Hi all,
    Im 24, and just recently diagnosed with PCOS. Would love to befriend all of you lovely ladies so that we can support and encourage each other. :smiley:
  • MagpieNicky
    MagpieNicky Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I am 32 and was diagnosed with PCOS about eight years ago. I was heavy all through high school with an irregular menstral cycle, but college is where I really became overweight, gaining 50 lbs in a year. My heaviest was 285. Once diagnosed and put on birth control, I initially lost 45 lbs through lifestyle changes: healthy eating, portion control, going vegetarian. I lost another 50 lbs through exercising and tracking my calories on MFP. I was able to maintain for long while, then the weight crept on a bit. Then life happened: I lost my job and slowly stopped working out since I couldn't afford the gym, lost my insurance and was without the birth control, and within a year I had put back on 50 lbs.

    I'm starting from square one again, and it's harder this time around. I'm currently on Metforim, which I don't feel makes a difference. When I didn't have insurance, I researched and tried the natural route with vitamins supplements, but that didn't help me either. Any advice that had worked for others is greatly appreciated.
    ITSKBHUN Posts: 7 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I'm 23 and was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 15. I've been recently started on Metformin but it made me feel so sick I stopped taking it. Now I'm determined to get back on the wagon and lose 3 stone by this time next year, and a stone before my next doctors appointment in November!

    We can do this!