Cut carbs out completely on my cut? Or below 50g? Cheeeers



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    psuLemon wrote:

    What are you even talking about? Your calorie deficit will determine fat loss. Your macros and training will determine where your lose weight from. Going low carb or keto will not increase fat loss as compared to other diets. It will deplete glycogen though.

    Your calorie deficit will determine overall WEIGHT LOSE and that weight can come from anywhere including lean mass. You cannot spot reduce or select which areas lose fat using diet or training, that is down to genetics. And I didn't say it will increase fat loss over other diets I said it can be a very effective tool ( especially if you aim to get into very low body fat percentages which admittedly is not most people's goal). Yes it will deplete glycogen....... Not to state the obvious but I will anyway ....... That is the aim.

    And my statement is wrong how?

    Low carb is a strategy (for me and many others on this forum it doesnt work). And depending on training and protein levels (like all diets), it will determine how much lean body mass you will lean. And while lchf can be muscle sparring, it doesnt mean you wont lose lbm during weight loss. At best we can only hope to minimize lbm and maximize fat loss during a cut.