Out of Control Again

I don't know if this issue requires motivation, I think it's chemical. Briefly I had been watching bad sugars for over a month. A couple of days ago I wanted caramels you know the Kraft caramels. I ended up picking up a small bag and consuming almost all of them. I wish it had ended there. I don't think I recorded them in MFP. The next day was my day which I have so few of. I went by a great donut shop that isn't in my area and purchased 2 twist and a dozen misc. donuts for my husband and I. I had the twist with a fruit smoothy. Then later that afternoon I ate another donut and 6 donut holes. I recorded this all in MFP along with the KFC visit for dinner. Needless to say went over my calories by 400 for the day. I consider all of this a binge. I got up this morning and believe it or not purchased more caramels also 2 bags of Skittles. So far I have had 2 servings of caramels of which I recorded in MFP, but I still feel so out of control. I don't know if I'm asking for help or just venting, but here it is anyway. My weight loss isn't high to begin with, but I'm so concerned that I'm going to undo what little loss I have and exceed my beginning weight yet again. Any comments and suggestions are so welcome.


  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I know where you're coming from..

    I found it helpful to think about why I binge. In my case, practically nothing to do with food, just my body trying to deal with stress and tiredness.

    Maybe cutting down on sugars rapidly has been too much for your brain and body to handle? Maybe try to cut down more slowly?
  • debrapeterson
    debrapeterson Posts: 84 Member
    Thanks good points to consider. Also it is so hot here and fluids may play into it.
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    Hi Debra. For starters, I wouldn't consider going over by 400 calories a binge. Don't get me wrong, I'm not thrilled with myself when I have days like that, but they WILL happen and it's not catastrophic. Dust yourself off and start over the next day. When I feel down it just leads me to continue the emotional eating pattern - so forgive yourself. On the doughnuts and candy though - why buy them at all if you have little self control around them? Or just allow yourself one of those treats a day, log it, and you're done. Period.

    Not the greatest advice in the world but I hope you can work it out!

  • CandyMonster160
    CandyMonster160 Posts: 153 Member
    Don't buy it if you can't practice control. I don't keep anything in the house that I know I will go crazy on... Eg. Nutella - can't control myself with it, so I don't buy it. Out of site, out of mind. (for me anyway). Good luck, hope you find some balance!
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    The answer is simple, don't buy it. We only keep low-sugar, low-carb and low-cal foods in our house all of which are nutrient dense. That way when we get the urge to "binge" there is only healthy stuff available. Eventually the urges will decrease. I used to crave a nice sugar-filled latte, but since cutting out a lot of added sugar, the cravings have decreased.

    Allow yourself a "treat" day also where you can eat healthy the majority of the day and save those cals for a dessert or large dinner. That way you aren't going over your cals for the day on a regular basis :) Don't get yourself down if you do though, we all have cheat days
  • catharinamkotze
    catharinamkotze Posts: 57 Member
    I agree with CandyMonster.
    Don't go to these places and that also includes KFC.
    I highly doubt that you only consumed 400 calories above your goal, as there is no way you can be certain of the calories consumed.
    If you didn't make it, you don't know what is in it.
    Why sabotage yourself like this?
    Stay away for a couple of weeks and I promise you your cravings will subside.
    Otherwise you will NEVER reach your target, just because of donuts?!
    You are BETTER than this.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I would check your calorie target and see if your deficit isnt too serious.
    If you cant practice moderation then agree with above and would not buy the items in the first place. Your husband can buy his own and if he is amenable ask him to either eat them away from the house or the night he buys them so they arent hanging around.

    I did notice you considered 400 a huge binge which to bh id have been impressed with 4000-10000, but 400? Its a piffling amount to get hung up over, hence log it and move on. If it was 400 and it bugs you that much then just go and exercise it off maybe 40mins-90 mins. Getting upset over such a small amount and stressing about it does more to undermine your focus than the 400 calories. its a new day tomorrow, learn from it, make better choices, dont worry and chill.