Fitness Trackers

Hey y'all, so my birthday is next week and I want to get a fitness tracker! I've been doing a bit of reading on what the "best" is and I honestly have no idea.

Do you use one and do you love it? Do you have the Polar M400?! I'm leaning towards that one more than the fitbit surge and just wanted opinions or even short reviews!

I'm much more into weight lifting than running so GPS doesn't really matter to me!


  • PopeyeCT
    PopeyeCT Posts: 249 Member
    I almost got the surge, but when I tried it on it just seemed so big that I wouldn't want to wear it all the time. I ended up getting the Charge HR, which I really like. It's basic black and fairly small, so you can wear it all the time with any clothes.

    I don't run. I cycle a lot and have my phone on my bike. If you like to run and you want to be able to stop carrying your phone, then the Surge or other GPS enabled device might be more to your liking.

    Try looking up comparison videos. There are a lot of them on youtube.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    teaRayray wrote: »
    Hey y'all, so my birthday is next week and I want to get a fitness tracker! I've been doing a bit of reading on what the "best" is and I honestly have no idea.

    Do you use one and do you love it? Do you have the Polar M400?! I'm leaning towards that one more than the fitbit surge and just wanted opinions or even short reviews!

    I'm much more into weight lifting than running so GPS doesn't really matter to me!

    Then none of the choices on the market will accurately track your activity and you will still need to manually input your lifts.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Nothing measures weight lifting accurately. Way too many variables.

    An activity tracker with a heart rate component is good for steady state cardio, but if your cardio is step based a FitBit One doesn't do too bad.

    Look at some of the Groups here .....the FitBit group has tons of information.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    teaRayray wrote: »
    I want to get a fitness tracker! I've been doing a bit of reading on what the "best" is and I honestly have no idea.

    I'm much more into weight lifting than running so GPS doesn't really matter to me!

    Heart rate monitors are only accurate for steady state cardio (like running or biking). Activity trackers calculate your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), the number of calories to maintain your current weight. When you connect one to your account, MFP adjusts your calorie goal every day to TDEE minus deficit.

    They only track step-based activity. Non-step activity (like swimming or lifting) must be logged either in the tracker app or in MFP—never both.

    As @TeaBea said, you can learn more in the Fitbit Users group: