pregnant and must not gain!!! (much)



  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    edited June 2015
    You might think about getting a fitbit or pedometer. See what your daily steps are now and just try upping them a little. So if you're at 3500 steps, try for 5000. If you're at 5000, go for 10,000. It will help your core muscles and that will be very helpful in a few months.
  • MoMofBrody13
    MoMofBrody13 Posts: 8 Member
    nxd10 wrote: »
    You might think about getting a fitbit or pedometer. See what your daily steps are now and just try upping them a little. So if you're at 3500 steps, try for 5000. If you're at 5000, go for 10,000. It will help your core muscles and that will be very helpful in a few months.

    See my post above yours
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    I do shift work and find it hard to workout. Routine is not a word I use in my daily life. We have a staff gym where I work, so I am committing to do 20 min walks on the treadmill during my breaks on my night shifts. Taking my son swimming every Monday eve, and do laps pushing him in his floater. I'm not sure what else I can commit to, I don't want to overwhelm myself with obligation and commitments. Tracking my food seems to help too. I have a fit bit and love the fact that it will sync with MFP. if you want to add me to fit bit!

    OP unless you are on bedrest and with limited food options for whatever reason, of course you can control your weight, do not worry. Keep doing what you are doing regarding exercise, and keep tracking calories, and you can do this, it sounds like you are taking the right steps :)
  • FitMomOK
    FitMomOK Posts: 66 Member
    this is my 4th pregnancy. this time i'm tracking food in mfp and it's going much better. i eat better. more protein, veg & fruits since the calories count. fewer sweets & empty carbs.
    i feel much better too. less back pain bc less weight gained.
    my calorie goal is maintenance + 300 cals.
    i am not wxercising as much this time. i find it makes me too tired and i need all my energy for daily life!
  • kristynsflab
    kristynsflab Posts: 66 Member
    Im 20 weeks and 40 overweight. Ive got to have motivation to keep moving and watch my intake. We are not running air this summer so its SO HOT! and its not even broke 95 degrees yet!
  • julialou1979
    julialou1979 Posts: 54 Member
    Pregnancy is such a tough balance. I've met so many women determined to maintain, when they need to allow themselves to gain (base recommendations are 10lbs at least).

    My first pregnancy I only gained ten due to first trimester barfing dropping me five before I gained 15 in second and third. This was just by eating when I was healthy and maintaining exercise as much as I could (although I got spd from overdoing it and couldn't move for a few weeks - injuries are more common in pregnancy!) I walked out of the hospital with my baby back at my pre pregnancy weight, but couldn't breastfeed, possible related to the lack of reserves in my system.

    This pregnancy I've gained 8 lbs so far, everything looks stellar, exercising, etc, but I've developed gestational diabetes (I'm old, it was inevitable). When pregnant I eat more fruit and ditch my protein shakes, but now I've converted back to manage blood sugar. But, I am not allowed to drop my carbs below 175/day unless my Dr approves, and I'm not allowed to drop below 2000 cal net. Glucose is so important to baby development. Which is what actually causes gestational diabetes (hormones actually override insulin to maximise blood sugar available to baby).

    The moral of my story is, it's really important to work with your healthcare team. The internet is full of week meaning people, but also folks who don't understand pregnancy and people who struggle to gain weight even when medically necessary for their baby.

    Congrats on the pregnancy!
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I lost weight with my last 2 pregnancies (not on purpose) and because I was overweight the babies were perfectly healthy. The baby will take what the baby needs. This in not the time to diet but it is the time to change your diet. You might not be able to safely cut calories but you can safely change what you eat so that every calorie your baby gets comes from something with nutritional value. Being pregnant is not an excuse to eat unhealthy, in fact it is just the opposite. If there was ever a moment in your life where you needed to eat healthy it is now. Everything that passes your lips ends up in your baby. Even if all that baby wants is pickles and icecream you wouldn't let a child eat like that so you cannot feed your baby like that.