Hi, i need some help here... lets see: MFP put on me a 1200 calorie goal... but my bmr is 1768 and tdee 2725... is it good? i mean i would like to loss 2lb per week(almost 1kg), but is it ok?... this is driving me nuts... and are the pages where i took this numbers based on 20 years, 165cm height and 74kg...

I workout from monday-saturday 60 minutes cardio and strenght exercices burning and average of 800~ cal...


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    MFP estimated TDEE (without exercise): 2200
    -2lbs per week loss: -1000
    Goal: 1200 (before exercise)
    Exercise: 800
    MFP estimated TDEE (with exercise): 3000
    -2lbs per week loss: -1000
    Net Goal : 1200 (or 2000 calories total)

    The way MFP is designed, you are supposed to eat your exercise calories back. For example my goal is 1760 (set to 0.5lb per week loss) and yesterday after working out my food totals ended up being 2241.
  • ChinoWong
    ChinoWong Posts: 14
    hi thanks for replying :D, so i should just stick to eating my goal calories and the burned calories? that is what i've been doing so far those days... in the end, i eat like 2000cal a day... (goal: 1200 + workout: 800)... So... so far i've been doing the correct thing right? Thanks :)
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Two things - as shadow2soul said you are supposed to eat back exercise cals, so that would bring your daily total up right there. But you also need to set realistic goals at MFP - unless you have more than 100lbs to lose, a goal of 2lbs a week is probably too aggressive. Change it to 1 or 1.5 at the most, and you'll get a higher calorie goal and probably have better success. That doesn't mean that some weeks you might lose 2lbs or even more, and other weeks you might lose less - weight loss isn't linear, but stick with it and you'll see steady progress with a reasonable deficit, good exercise and eating, water, and good sleep.
  • ChinoWong
    ChinoWong Posts: 14
    Hi thanks for replying too :) Im only exceeding 22 pounds... 63kg would be my healthy weight... i feel that i still eat as i did before... i mean good amount of food... the only difference is that i stop drinking cokes and candies and i cant imagine eating more than i do right now... but theres also another problem... i dont know if mfp database is accurate enough based of the food i can find here... if i eat tuna, i can read the food chart to look at calories but i often eat at restaurants, so i practicly dont have more choice than closing my eyes and choosing one of the options i can find on the database... :|

    I've loss barely 2.2kg in a month... i know that is not even near to loosing 4kg per month(as mfp says) but im happy to see that i loss weight anyway... Any recommendation??

    btw: sorry if i missppeled something... im rusted... long time ago that i dont make use of english language lol... Im from peru :)
  • luckydays27
    luckydays27 Posts: 552 Member
    I think MFP's default for everyone (or nearly everyone) who sets a 2 lb weight loss goal a week is 1200 cals a day.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    Your loss of around 2 kilos a week is good. You don't need to lose much, so you should lose slower. This keeps you from losing too much muscle instead of fat. If you have trouble eating more food, try foods that have more calories - like red meat instead of chicken, nuts or nut butters (like peanut butter), real butter, etc. These foods all have a lot of calories in a small volume, and they're healthy.

    I think you're doing fine - keep it up! And your English is fine!

    PS - Not to pick on you, but I laughed at "I'm rusted." The word you're looking for is "rusty." Slang is a b!tch, isn't it? :laugh: