Looking for committed friends.

slf1983 Posts: 31 Member
I have been using MFP for a while now. I have lost 3 stone in the last 2 years and MFP really helps keep me on track. More so, the people play a big part in that. Praise when you are doing well and support/encouragement when you are not can do wonders for people's progress.

I have on a couple of occasions now just cleared out my friends list as I'm sure some think it's just a popularity contest to see how many they can get on there. Whereas I am looking for genuine people who genuinely want to offer and receive (because it's important for it to be both ways) genuine support.

This might sound like a stand-offish post but I don't want to waste anyone's time. If you read this and still feel like becoming friends, then you are definitely the sort of friend I want :) So feel free to send me a message request.

Take care y'all xx