How many times have you been reported for abuse?



  • shoppingmaniac86
    shoppingmaniac86 Posts: 2,067 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    I don't know...but when I abuse, its that grey shade type of *kitten*.

    Tbh I hate that *kitten* but I'm sure most of the chicks on here eat that for what it's worth

    well I'm always honest and I don't think the opportunity was ever offered to you. =]

    If it was offered I would rightfully decline then change the scenario to one from weekend at bernies

    Wait.. Necrophilia > BDSM? I mean, I guess both Weekened at Bernies and 50 Shades have consent issues in common, but still.

    R u sure you're watching the same weekend at bernies I'm watching.... :/
  • Cindy4FunFit
    Cindy4FunFit Posts: 2,732 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    I don't know...but when I abuse, its that grey shade type of *kitten*.

    Tbh I hate that *kitten* but I'm sure most of the chicks on here eat that for what it's worth

    well I'm always honest and I don't think the opportunity was ever offered to you. =]

    If it was offered I would rightfully decline then change the scenario to one from weekend at bernies
    Have you ever seen a therapist?
    Only in my past life why?

    No reason.

    Ok I love chickens

    With BBQ sauce? Or raw...

    I actually like to pluck off the feathers one by one then skin them the decaptitate them then watch the blood drain but that's just me though
    Kinky is using a feather, freaky is using the whole chicken.


  • shoppingmaniac86
    shoppingmaniac86 Posts: 2,067 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    I don't know...but when I abuse, its that grey shade type of *kitten*.

    Tbh I hate that *kitten* but I'm sure most of the chicks on here eat that for what it's worth

    well I'm always honest and I don't think the opportunity was ever offered to you. =]

    If it was offered I would rightfully decline then change the scenario to one from weekend at bernies
    Have you ever seen a therapist?
    Only in my past life why?

    No reason.

    Ok I love chickens

    With BBQ sauce? Or raw...

    I actually like to pluck off the feathers one by one then skin them the decaptitate them then watch the blood drain but that's just me though
    Kinky is using a feather, freaky is using the whole chicken.

    I guess you can't please them all
  • shoppingmaniac86
    shoppingmaniac86 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    I don't know...but when I abuse, its that grey shade type of *kitten*.

    Tbh I hate that *kitten* but I'm sure most of the chicks on here eat that for what it's worth

    well I'm always honest and I don't think the opportunity was ever offered to you. =]

    If it was offered I would rightfully decline then change the scenario to one from weekend at bernies
    Have you ever seen a therapist?
    Only in my past life why?

    No reason.

    Ok I love chickens

    With BBQ sauce? Or raw...

    I actually like to pluck off the feathers one by one then skin them the decaptitate them then watch the blood drain but that's just me though

    I think i am in love
    Me too babe me too wanna reenact it I'll be the butcher and you are the chicken :)

    Altough i like roleplay as much as anyone, i wanna start of slow, so i got this recipe for slowcooker...Now where did i put that knife

    What r u doing with that knife sweety I need it to prepare dinner :#
  • shoppingmaniac86
    shoppingmaniac86 Posts: 2,067 Member
    2 spams, and I think I know what thread it was What does the "visits" mean I wonder...

    Spam? You look like a legit mom of 5 I can't see why you'd be reported for spam
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    edited June 2015
    2 spams, and I think I know what thread it was What does the "visits" mean I wonder...

    Spam? You look like a legit mom of 5 I can't see why you'd be reported for spam

    I don't know either!

    eta: also....not sure if I should take offence to the "mom of 5" comment.....

    All my previous profile pics have been of my in my bikini, if that helps anything, lol.
  • shoppingmaniac86
    shoppingmaniac86 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    I don't know...but when I abuse, its that grey shade type of *kitten*.

    Tbh I hate that *kitten* but I'm sure most of the chicks on here eat that for what it's worth

    well I'm always honest and I don't think the opportunity was ever offered to you. =]

    If it was offered I would rightfully decline then change the scenario to one from weekend at bernies
    Have you ever seen a therapist?
    Only in my past life why?

    No reason.

    Ok I love chickens

    With BBQ sauce? Or raw...

    I actually like to pluck off the feathers one by one then skin them the decaptitate them then watch the blood drain but that's just me though

    I think i am in love
    Me too babe me too wanna reenact it I'll be the butcher and you are the chicken :)

    Altough i like roleplay as much as anyone, i wanna start of slow, so i got this recipe for slowcooker...Now where did i put that knife

    What r u doing with that knife sweety I need it to prepare dinner :#

    As the gent i am, i am gonna cook you (for) dinner

    Ha cook me? Don't be absurd! *stabs @Gustaaf85 * and scene The end
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,396 Member
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    2 spams, and I think I know what thread it was What does the "visits" mean I wonder...
    Don't keep us in suspension... what thread? And where can i find my own stats?

    Well there was one thread a while ago that some dude was obviously fishing for P***y and I was joking around in it....not even two pages in and it got deleted. So, I'm assuming it's from that but I don't know why it would be Spam and not abuse?? idk...

    And go to the top of the page, click on the notification bell, scroll to the bottom and click where is says "all notifications". Screen shot, and post here!!!
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    On the site you can find it by looking up your notifications

    I don't see an easy way to find what exactly has been flagged though.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Is there a way to see what you were flagged for, link back to the post where it happened???

    I have 10,408 posts, and flagged twice for spam. I have not once tried to sell or push anything so am wondering what I could have been flagged for.
  • 1HappyRedhead
    1HappyRedhead Posts: 413 Member
    edited June 2015
    I'm just happy to see I'm not the only one "getting in trouble"... lol... hello new friends!
    My thing is, I had no clue I was doing anything wrong... but apparently some people on here just like to sit around and look for something to tattle about... pics, etc... I guess that's the only "fun" in life they have... sad...
  • shoppingmaniac86
    shoppingmaniac86 Posts: 2,067 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    On the site you can find it by looking up your notifications

    I don't see an easy way to find what exactly has been flagged though.

    Wow I've only been here a short period but have gotten so many people to dislike me in such a small time frame. And I don't even post gifs or pictures of the dead people in my basement
  • MommysLittleMeatball
    MommysLittleMeatball Posts: 2,064 Member
    0 spam, 4 flags - I've had an official warning from a mod, but that gif was hilarious and relevant to that "detox" thread. *kitten*-magnets-how-do-they-wo-o.gif *kitten* magnets - how do they work!?

    Funny thing is I've only been flagged when providing helpful (but, I guess, "too real") information into "detox" or "sugar" threads. Whoops!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    -40 for me.
  • shoppingmaniac86
    shoppingmaniac86 Posts: 2,067 Member
    erickirb wrote: »
    Is there a way to see what you were flagged for, link back to the post where it happened???

    I have 10,408 posts, and flagged twice for spam. I have not once tried to sell or push anything so am wondering what I could have been flagged for.

    Yeah there is a way you see you have to get naked in my bed and then I join you then we make hot raunchy love and the links will pop up :)
  • shoppingmaniac86
    shoppingmaniac86 Posts: 2,067 Member
    I'm just happy to see I'm not the only one "getting in trouble"... lol... hello new friends!
    My thing is, I had no clue I was doing anything wrong... but apparently some people on here just like to sit around and look for something to tattle about... pics, etc... I guess that's the only "fun" in life they have... sad...

    :) welcome
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    0 Spams, 3 times for Abuse -- Whatever that means. Come on, she wanted it.

  • shoppingmaniac86
    shoppingmaniac86 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    -40 for me.

    You're a true *kitten*
  • sixxpoint
    sixxpoint Posts: 3,529 Member
    1 spam, 18 abuse

    ...Courtesy of grown adults who have their feelings hurt when I comment with actual, scientific evidence and logic that challenges popular nutrition myths and personal beliefs based on "what has worked for them" or what they heard on TV or read in a book by Dr. Oz or a similar quack motivated by money.
  • shoppingmaniac86
    shoppingmaniac86 Posts: 2,067 Member
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    Gustaaf85 wrote: »
    I don't know...but when I abuse, its that grey shade type of *kitten*.

    Tbh I hate that *kitten* but I'm sure most of the chicks on here eat that for what it's worth

    well I'm always honest and I don't think the opportunity was ever offered to you. =]

    If it was offered I would rightfully decline then change the scenario to one from weekend at bernies
    Have you ever seen a therapist?
    Only in my past life why?

    No reason.

    Ok I love chickens

    With BBQ sauce? Or raw...

    I actually like to pluck off the feathers one by one then skin them the decaptitate them then watch the blood drain but that's just me though

    I think i am in love
    Me too babe me too wanna reenact it I'll be the butcher and you are the chicken :)

    Altough i like roleplay as much as anyone, i wanna start of slow, so i got this recipe for slowcooker...Now where did i put that knife

    What r u doing with that knife sweety I need it to prepare dinner :#

    As the gent i am, i am gonna cook you (for) dinner

    Ha cook me? Don't be absurd! *stabs @Gustaaf85 * and scene The end

    Hey! that tickles...

    Oh did it *pushes knife deeper*