The Body Coach or Eat Train Gain?

Hello all :)

I train for triathlons and am looking for some help with my diet to reduce my overall body fat %. Would anyone happen to know if either of these plans would be worth doing? I know they provide their own exercise programmes as well but with swim, cycling and running at least twice a week for each time is a limited!

Has anyone had success with either of these programmes whilst doing their own exercise plan?


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    Just create a caloric deficit and eat foods high in micronutrients, and eat the foods you like.

    No need to follow a diet plan.
  • Brolympus
    Brolympus Posts: 360 Member
    Do not bother with fad diet programs. If you are training for an athletic competition, the LAST thing you want is to lose all the muscle you have worked building cutting too aggressively. Cutting is a delicate balance.

    Find your TDEE, then set the calculator to 10-15% calorie reduction (not 20%, you can start to lose muscle mass with this much of a deficit):

    Record your weight every day, but only pay attention to the trend of the weight loss. It will spike all over the place on a day to day basis.

    You should drop about 0.5lbs per week. Any more than this, bump your TDEE up +100 calories. Any less than 0.5lbs per week, dial it down -100 calories. Give each calorie adjustment at least a week and observe the weight change before you take another one. If you have lots of time/no deadline, give it two weeks in between adjustments.

    Repeat until shredded :)