I've Gained This Week...

I have been doing MFP for about 5 weeks now, first few weeks I lost nothing then around 22nd May I lost 4lbs! I have sinced gained 2lb the last two weeks.

I have checked around this time what has been different diet/exercise wise, On one of the days I ate in a 8 hour window, I have read about these diet boost if a few days a week you eat within a 8 hour period you will loose weight. It seemed to work, it is difficult to stick too, Im a slow loser, weight wise I have been on a calorie controlled diet for two years now lost around 18lb.

I am restricted to exercise and the amount and types i can do, Which don't help. But I can swim and I have vowed to swim once weekly for around an hour. Which is another 600 calorie deficit and my daily allowance it 1580.

I have over eaten a few hundred calories in the past week but not enough to gain 2lb (7000 cals)

Its just made me feel down I felt like I was on a roll, I have dropped a dress size recently which is cool, but I am worried I will end up back to square one, I need to keep myself in check.

Any advice/support guys?

Jen x


  • Dewdropps
    Dewdropps Posts: 111
    You answered yourself :)

    "I overate a few hundred calories this week, but not enough (7000) to gain 2 lbs"

    If you didn't consume an extra 7000 calories, then it is water or clothes, or wet hair... something, but it's not an actual GAIN.

    Don't worry so much.