Unintended consequences

I've been using MFP for two months since I decided it was time to do something about my weight. I wasn't overly heavy (6'1" @ 200 lbs), but I didn't like the way I looked. I've dropped to 172 lbs now and feel much better, but the most surprising thing for me has been a dramatic decrease in sebum production.

I've had a problem for decades with excessive sebum. In the last few weeks my skin has been clearing up so much, I can hardly believe it. I have no idea what I can attribute this to. It could be my increased water intake, the reduction in dairy products, the vitamin supplements I have been taking, reduced salt intake or a combination of any number of these things. Whatever it is, I am almost happier about this outcome than the weight loss.

I'm only 7 lbs now from my goal, but many of the changes I have made to my diet are going to become permanent if it helps me keep my skin clear. I am curious to hear if any of you have found your skin changing positively while dieting.


  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    edited June 2015
    When I decided to lose weight, the main thing I cut out was having cake/biscuits/ice cream every night after dinner (my diet wasn't that bad at all really, I was just eating about 100 more calories a day than I needed), and I did notice that reducing my intake of those foods helped with my eczema and psoriasis. I don't think that's about weight or dieting so much; I know my dermatologist told my parents when I was little that lots of dairy and preservatives/additives can aggravate skin conditions sometimes. So eating that less frequently helped me a little. I do notice now that after periods of time where I eat much more freely and drink more alcohol (Christmas, holidays) my eczema tends to flare up. Small price to pay most of the time though :p

    ETA because I've forgotten how to spell.