Just had a baby

CristinV Posts: 1 Member
any other moms just started working out and eating right ? I just had a baby 6 weeks ago and got the "ok" from doc. to start but my motivation isn't there yet and I'm exhausted from LO. Would love to hear how you are all doing! :D37fewcn09lqf.jpg


  • kramrn77
    kramrn77 Posts: 375 Member
    Ok- I know you got the Ok, but you are still healing and pregnancy does a huge number on your body. It actually takes your body over a year to fully recover from pregnancy and birth. So cut yourself some slack! You're tired all the time because it's freaking exhausting. The baby is on the baby's schedule and everyone else just has to work around it. So, when the baby sleeps, you sleep! You need it desperately.

    As far as exercise, walking and taking baby on walks is good for both of you. Just dress baby appropriately for the weather. Many gyms have "mommy" rooms and you can take the baby with you to do your workout. I always have had- well- variable success. Sometimes the nugget is good for a whole hour. Sometimes not so much. You'll find a groove for you both. Or you can leave the baby with Dad or another trusted person (that one was hard for me when she was little- I worked so when I was home I wanted her with me all the time, but it's good for the sanity to have some time away).

    And mostly, congratulations! You made a tiny human being! Enjoy it. The baby stage goes so quick.