Late Night Snacking

I have been having lots of problems with over eating at night. I will meet my 1200 calorie goal and even have earned some extra calories from my work out during the day, but at night I snack on unhealthy things for no reason!! It's like I lose all sense of control, I see it and I have to have it.

For example last night I met my calorie goal, and my 10,000 steps goal, then on the way home from my uncles birthday party my fiancé stopped by Wendy's and he got himself a few things and I told him I wanted some Ghost Pepper Fries. I entered it into my calorie tracker and I KNEW they were 510 calories, but I ate them anyway!! ALL OF THEM!

Now not only is my stomach punishing me today, but I feel so guilty for my late night snacking!!
I really want to stop doing this and I know I need to tell my fiancés about my guilty feelings so he can try to help me with it, but he's won't always be around to hold me accountable.

I need some help on how to stop the late night snacking!! :(


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited June 2015
    Can't help you there. If you are restricting yourself too much with 1200 calories, up your goal. If that's appropriate, and you want to lose the weight-stop doing that. Or make room for a snack that fits your goals.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    As pointed out above the 1200 traget is restrictive and most people would say overly so which makes it harder to sick to than it needs to be. You could alloacate your calories to later in the day your problem is you dont have many calories to allocate anywhere, the other options are more satiating food, more burned calories (510 woild most likely be over an hour of continuous reasonable rate cardio for you) or simply relaxing your calorie allowance to say 1500.

    Feeling guilty= waste of time.
    Making hings too hard= waste of time for long term sustainability.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    It sounds like 1200 calories may be too few for you, even with eating back some exercise calories. You should be able to enjoy some treats during the week; maybe set your calories to 1300 and see if that helps. Also, can you splurge just once a week on a treat? This would probably still keep you at a deficit for the week. Not if you eat an extra 500 calories every day, though. At the moment you are probably eating close to maintenance. The good news is that you probably won't gain, you just won't lose.
  • alicia7693
    alicia7693 Posts: 7 Member
    whmscll wrote: »
    It sounds like 1200 calories may be too few for you, even with eating back some exercise calories. You should be able to enjoy some treats during the week; maybe set your calories to 1300 and see if that helps. Also, can you splurge just once a week on a treat? This would probably still keep you at a deficit for the week. Not if you eat an extra 500 calories every day, though. At the moment you are probably eating close to maintenance. The good news is that you probably won't gain, you just won't lose.

    Thank you, that is some very good advice