Breaking the lose/regain cycle

So here I go again for the hundredth time. A few months ago I reached my goal weight as I've done many times before. This time I was determined not to gain it back, but guess what? I did...again. The only bright side is that I seem to lose and regain about 10 pounds, never more than that. It's just so frustrating. I started over today to lose what I've regained. I'm posting on the maintaining thread to ask for advice on how not to regain. Those who stay at a stable weight, how do you do it? I'm really really tired of this process.


  • besee_2000
    besee_2000 Posts: 365 Member
    You may need to try reverse dieting. You slowly add back the calories to your maintenance level (50-100 cal per day added each week). I personally have troubles not counting and have been trying to get back into it myself.
  • Jubee13
    Jubee13 Posts: 132 Member
    ^^^That's what I was doing, and it was going very well until I got REALLY sick of tracking so.... Yea. I guess I just answered my own question.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    I am just working my way into maintenance, but I have come to realize I need to keep tracking too :( I guess that is why they call it a lifestyle change LOL.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    Everyone has daily fluctuations of about 3-5 pounds. But if you gain weight, you must be bouncing up the bottom of that range fairly quickly. What do you do when you see you've hit the top of your 5 pound range? THAT's the time to change things.

    What most people do it go back to larger portion sizes. If you really hate logging, get good at portion sizes and stick to them. The other thing people do is make all the calories they add back in carbs, fat, and salt. I don't know about you, but I need to stay under 50% of my calories from carbs (that's high fat and protein, not low carb) or I gain no matter what my calories. If you've been yo-yo-ing, I bet you're carb sensitive too.

    So when you up your calories, add protein, but not carbs. See if it works. And keep weighing yourself if you don't want to log.
  • Jesusjohnjames
    Jesusjohnjames Posts: 378 Member
    Workout often
  • lavrn03
    lavrn03 Posts: 235 Member
    I'm starting my maintenance journey as well. I've lost and gained in the past myself. The difference I find with this time is....Im treating it as I have a disease of obesity which can lead to heart disease and diabetes. I need to make good choices everyday and track them so I can stay healthy and balanced. I did this in my 20s and kept it off for 10yrs. I'm 39 and refuse to enter my 40s unhealthy.
    Good luck! I would add calories everyday and see what number works for you