
So today I have had a bit of a splurge. My boyfriend and I have a rare weekend off together (he's a police officer and I work shifts) so we went to Faversham and I found a lady at the market selling lots of gluten free goodies and bought some asparagus and goat's cheese quiche. It was stodgy (as most gluten free food is) but delicious!

When we got home I decided I wanted chips. I can't have chips without cheese and sour cream for dipping so I weighed a potato, made some rustic chips (skins on) and baked them. I walked to the shop (2 miles) and bought some reduced fat sour cream and a bottle of prosecco (because I fancied some wine) and took a detour on the way home to meet my 10k steps/5 mile Fitbit goals. Then I weighed out 40g of extra mature cheese and devoured my prize!

And you know what? I feel fabulous!

I'm still within my calorie goal for the week and on track to lose a pound. I am currently sitting on my exercise bike and getting a 30 min ride in, just to make certain I'm within my weekly calorie deficit, whilst watching American Dad...

Anyway, the point of this post was just to say thank you to everyone on here. Today is my 60th day of logging and I'm 15lbs down. I couldn't have done it without the help of the people on here that have answered my questions and spurred me on. I still have 40lbs to lose but you know what?

I know I'm going to get there!

So thank you! :)


  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    If this wee FB, I'd "like" your post. :smile: Glad you had such a wonderful day! It all can fit!
  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    edited June 2015
    It sounds to me like you did a great job of working in treats & taking advantage of time with your BF without bringing along that terrible sense of guilt some people get when they feel they've splurged.

    I do a weekly deficit (or count right now since I'm maintaining for a bit), too, and that helps a lot. I have at least 2 days in the week where my calories are lower than usual and I get to use them up on the weekends. It's a win/win for me :D

    Kudos to you and keep it up!

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Yay for splurging!
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Congrats! It sounds like you've got the attitude part down right.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Keep up that good work!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited June 2015
    With that kind of attitude I know you're going to get there too

  • macr0babe
    macr0babe Posts: 61 Member
    I was happily surprised reading this!
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    By the title, I thought this was going to be on of those, "Oh mah gawsh I ate an apple and went 12 calories over my goal for the day. The evil sugarz and I'm gonna gain all mah weightz back!" posts. But it's not.

    You're doing great, and you seem to have a great attitude about losing weight. Good for you!
  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks everyone! Feeling pretty good about getting to a healthy weight range and staying there. Checking in here everyday and seeing all the successful people is really encouraging me. Even seeing those that are just looking for a quick fix and give up when they realise there isn't one is helpful - makes me realise I'm in a much better place than I could be! :)
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I want chips now!
  • Krystle1984
    Krystle1984 Posts: 146 Member
    I want chips now!

    Ha ha! Go make some. They were delicious... ;)
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I want chips now!

    Ha ha! Go make some. They were delicious... ;)

    We're eating out later so I'll get somebody else to make them lol
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    Nice to hear people who can still 'treat' themselves and stay on yrack-just goes to show, losing weight needn't be boring, oppressive or completely restrictive!!
  • markiend
    markiend Posts: 461 Member
    Good for you :) I went off on my walk this morning and stuffed a bagful of rowntrees fruit pastiles down

    dilligaf :)