My Goal.

Hi! I'm Michelle, I have used MyFitnessPal before a little last year. I have lost 70 pounds sense April 2014, and I am very proud of myself I have made it pretty far. But the last few months have been bad for me, I went to the doctor which that's where I keep up with my weight I go every two months (because of others problems I have to check in on). Anyway when I went to my doctor I gained 13 pounds back, it was like a slap in the face. My mom told me I looked like I gained weight, I felt awful. It's like i'm at a Plato, and I can't lose any weight. I feel like i'm starving all the time, like even after I eat i'm still hungry. I haven't felt like that in 13 months, and now it's like I haven't ate in 13 months and i'm starving. I got back on myfitnesspal account (I haven't needed to use in a while) and I am going to have to start logging my food again. The even sadder part is that I got a gym membership, ever sense I started working out 3 times a week, I got even more hungry! I went down 4 pant sizes, and now my pants are starting to seem tight. I cant through away all my progress, I wont!


  • JanelleG0122
    JanelleG0122 Posts: 323 Member
    You don't have to throw away all your progress. There are days where I feel hungry no matter what I eat. With me, if I have a protein shake or something like that it helps curbs the hunger, and helps with the muscle building. Working out you will get more hungry that's normal, but by exercising you can eat more calories and still loose weight. Try and eat more filling foods with less calories. I wish you all the luck on your journey!
  • ashsmile78
    ashsmile78 Posts: 3,528 Member
    I can totally relate. I feel like I use 20 lbs and gain back ten over and over. But I just keep at it and eventually start making progress towards my goal again. Feel free to add me. Logging and making friends really helps!