Where do you get your motivation from?



  • cc3833
    cc3833 Posts: 80 Member
    For me it was my horse's vet telling me he was going to get hurt if I didn't lose weight. It still is hard but I make progress photos whenever I'm feeling down and unmotivated. I'm down 28 lbs. But it took me a year. But that's a good pace for me. I started with the goal of going to the gym 1 day a week and now I'm up to 3-4 times a week. You can do it but it is a HUGE mind game. The only thing holding you back is your mind. But I find looking at photos of my own progress helps me more than looking at someone else's. Good Luck!
  • TaurianDoll
    TaurianDoll Posts: 111 Member
    I motivate myself. I've always been a self starter. I say I'm going to do something, I create a plan, and I do it. I just accept the fact that there will be awesome days, horrible days, days where I think "what's the point", but I pick up and keep going every day until I meet the goal.

    And now that I have a daughter, I know she watches me. She's only 10-months old but I know that my healthy habits will become a norm for her to follow. I went with my mom to the weight room when I was little and watched her train with a trainer. And when I was old enough, I went to fitness classes with her. I believe that these activities helped me to understand that first and foremost fitness is a way of life. The rest is up to me.
  • kayva91011
    kayva91011 Posts: 19 Member
    Awesome replies!!
  • RBracken34
    RBracken34 Posts: 90 Member
    I got my original motivation by being a mom who was told she was prediabetic... I want to be around for my kid, be healthy, and stop setting a bad example... now I just keep adding more motivation along the way whenever I need it: officiating a friend's wedding (photos) this weekend, my 25th high school reunion in 2 months, an international vacation in three months (more photos plus some active side trips), then there's the promise to myself to join a climbing gym with my son once he gets tall/old enough... I imagine that I will add more short, mid, and long term goals and rewards for myself as I go along toward my ultimate weightloss goal and then provide various maintenance goals (get stronger, muscle definition, various athletic feats, etc.) and rewards as I keep it off longer and longer until it's just a way of life to maintain it. I find that a combination of long and short goals, and deliberate meal planning and preparation have all gone a long way toward my success thus far.
  • RBracken34
    RBracken34 Posts: 90 Member
    kayva91011 wrote: »
    For instance I ate decent all day at work... Came home and binge ate on a 1/2 carton of ice cream.

    I keep photos of my goals stuck to all the places where food is... a photo of my kid on the freezer... a wedding invite on the fridge side... my high school reunion invite on the kid's snack cabinet. Really helps when I'm in that "standing in front of the fridge with the door open" mode.