Balancing goals and having a social life!

I work out 5-6 days a week. Monday - Friday I eat 95% healthy, clean foods and completely stick to my calories and macros. On the weekends I like to give myself more leeway, especially on Saturdays. However, even one day a week spent indulging in a few alcoholic drinks (mainly vodka sodas) and eating one unhealthy meal I instantly feel bloated, see a rise in the scale, and a difference in my stomach. Any muscle tone disappears and feels like it takes at least 10 days of perfect dieting to regain even a fraction of it back. May not seem a lot but it's an exhausting process to repeat every weekend I want to go out and socialize.

Interested to see how others maintain their weight while still having fun on the weekends!


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    edited June 2015
  • grangerka
    grangerka Posts: 21 Member
    This is my problem too. I can be good for days and one night out makes my body look poofy and horrible. It disheartens me no end. In my all or nothing mentality (I know I know!) I can see all my efforts ruined. It usually takes me another few days to get to grips.
    Like today. It's my day 1 again. I wish I could stay focused all the time but life takes precedence sometime. (It sounds like an excuse but it's just an observation)
  • felblossom
    felblossom Posts: 132 Member
    For me, it was my social life that made me put on weight in the first place. In college I went out for drinks at least 3 times/week, which was usually followed by junk food. It also didn't help that I never worked out, and that I drank sugary drinks and snacks daily... :smirk:

    Right now I've lost my extra weight and work out 5-6 times/week and focus on getting fit (and healthy). Since I'm out of college my social life has "slowed down" a bit, but I usually have the opportunity to go out once or twice a week. However, with weight loss I'm a real light weight right now - two glasses of wine can do it for me :neutral: I've managed to work some drinks into my calories on my weight loss journey without much of a hold up (though I find that alcohol usually lowers my control for overeating on snacks and junk that wasn't planned), but since I've added more work-outs I also feel like it holds me back...

    What I'm doing is choosing my battles. This weekend was a national holiday, last weekend a friend had a big celebration for graduating from med school. I had some drinks, overdid it a little on the snacks, felt like crap the next day but tried to get some walking in to at least do something, then I was back on the horse again. Feeling a bit like a step back, but at least I try to move forward.
    Other weekends I will still go out, but I do so without the alcohol in the drinks. Maybe offer to be the DD, realizing that you still can have a ton of fun being out with your friends :smile:
  • ExRelaySprinter
    ExRelaySprinter Posts: 874 Member
    edited June 2015
    I work out 5-6 days a week. Monday - Friday I eat 95% healthy, clean foods and completely stick to my calories and macros. On the weekends I like to give myself more leeway, especially on Saturdays. However, even one day a week spent indulging in a few alcoholic drinks (mainly vodka sodas) and eating one unhealthy meal I instantly feel bloated, see a rise in the scale, and a difference in my stomach. Any muscle tone disappears and feels like it takes at least 10 days of perfect dieting to regain even a fraction of it back. May not seem a lot but it's an exhausting process to repeat every weekend I want to go out and socialize.

    Interested to see how others maintain their weight while still having fun on the weekends!
    Maybe it's because you've been so "good" 95% of the time - that the 5% indulgence hits you harder.
    I eat practically anything during the week, as long as the calories are within my maintainance and eat more on a Saturday with some Alcohol and don't really see much of a difference.
    But i think it's because i'm not so strict with Macros etc.
  • 20yearsyounger
    20yearsyounger Posts: 1,643 Member
    I am reverse. I have fun eating and drinking most days and tightening it up on the weekend (as I travel for work). I do workout 6 days a week. It all balances itself out when I remain under my weekly calorie goal. Sodium will make me appear more bloated but that works itself out too.
  • wils5150
    wils5150 Posts: 149 Member
    i do my best work over the winter and got to my goal around Memorial day now I will maintain for the summer and might try to lose a couple more in the fall. I still eat 250 below my TDEE during the week. this gives me some wiggle room on weekends. If I maintain or gain a couple I am ok with that.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I work out 5-6 days a week. Monday - Friday I eat 95% healthy, clean foods and completely stick to my calories and macros. On the weekends I like to give myself more leeway, especially on Saturdays. However, even one day a week spent indulging in a few alcoholic drinks (mainly vodka sodas) and eating one unhealthy meal I instantly feel bloated, see a rise in the scale, and a difference in my stomach. Any muscle tone disappears and feels like it takes at least 10 days of perfect dieting to regain even a fraction of it back. May not seem a lot but it's an exhausting process to repeat every weekend I want to go out and socialize.

    Interested to see how others maintain their weight while still having fun on the weekends!

    Depends what you want more, visible abs or vodka?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    Same happens for me. I plan my calories out for Saturday, so even if I eat 3,000-I still meet my weekly maintenance goal. But yes, the scale goes up, I lose definition in my tummy and it gets round. I don't really care that much though...I don't know what else to say. Why does it bother you so much? It's not like you're gaining weight. And you're having fun. If you need your tummy to be flat for some event or you're going to the beach, take it easy.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
    It's water and bloat. Doesn't sound like your kidney's are happy with the drinking. Perhaps you should really work at drinking more water to help them out? So a drink or two and then lots of seltzer water?

    I have found since I've been doing this that eating too much doesn't feel that good. Not that I don't eat treats - I just came back from a Father's Day dinner where I had two pieces of pizza, a glass of wine, and a little strawberry shortcake. But that's a LOT of food my body isn't used to and I'm feeling kind of bloated. I should have had more salad and one slice of pizza - I would have felt better. Then I could come home and have a snack later that my body is more used to. Live and learn. More is not always better and it's not always the calories that matter, it's what you're eating.
  • debubbie
    debubbie Posts: 767 Member
    I go out with friends every couple of weeks, and I try to drink water at dinner because I would rather have a dessert than alcohol. I try to eat other healthy items that I know won't make me feel miserable and bloated, and typically try to share the dessert with all of my friends at the table to help me out calorie wise. I finally had to realize that I didn't need to get drunk in order to have a good time and enjoy my friends' company. It also helped to keep my from going off the wagon and saved me money on expensive drinks!
  • KBmoments
    KBmoments Posts: 193 Member
    arditarose wrote: »
    Same happens for me. I plan my calories out for Saturday, so even if I eat 3,000-I still meet my weekly maintenance goal. But yes, the scale goes up, I lose definition in my tummy and it gets round. I don't really care that much though...I don't know what else to say. Why does it bother you so much? It's not like you're gaining weight. And you're having fun. If you need your tummy to be flat for some event or you're going to the beach, take it easy.

    I agree :) I may get a little more bloated in the stomach, but it's not like I'll be wearing belly shirts all weekend.. and I know it's not actual fat gain. If I was going to the beach, then I would just watch the sodium and drink lots of water. But for just general hanging out with clothes on... I say who cares!
  • michellemybelll
    michellemybelll Posts: 2,228 Member
    I work out 5-6 days a week. Monday - Friday I eat 95% healthy, clean foods and completely stick to my calories and macros. On the weekends I like to give myself more leeway, especially on Saturdays. However, even one day a week spent indulging in a few alcoholic drinks (mainly vodka sodas) and eating one unhealthy meal I instantly feel bloated, see a rise in the scale, and a difference in my stomach. Any muscle tone disappears and feels like it takes at least 10 days of perfect dieting to regain even a fraction of it back. May not seem a lot but it's an exhausting process to repeat every weekend I want to go out and socialize.

    Interested to see how others maintain their weight while still having fun on the weekends!

    Depends what you want more, visible abs or vodka?

    vodka. easy peazy.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Saturday is my day of excess for food (I don't drink my calories), I eat 100 cals less all other days to account for this and it works perfectly :smile:
    The bloating shouldn't last more than a few hours, are you drinking enough water?
  • dbienz
    dbienz Posts: 188 Member
    My issue isn't the balance between a social life (aka drinks and "cheat meals") and goals but instead actually having a social life (aka events, seeing friends, movies/concerts/etc). I like to go to the gym 5-6 days a week like most people have stated but then my social life is the one that messes things up.

    For example, yesterday was my boyfriend's birthday so after work I went straight to his place, did birthday stuff with his family, and then went out to dinner. I was good at dinner but didn't make it to the gym since I got home too late. Today I'm going to a baseball game with my girlfriends. Again, I'm going straight from work and won't be home until late. I eat relatively well at these events and don't drink much, thats not the problem.

    How do you make it to the gym so often while still making time to see people OUTSIDE of the gym and not only on Saturdays?
  • AsISmile
    AsISmile Posts: 1,004 Member
    I don't drink so I'd suggest that XD
    If you know beforehand that you want to go out factor in 1 or 2 drinks, some snacks and base the rest of your food that day around it?
    So maybe that day you won't hit your macros but will hit your calories.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    for starters, your maintenance weight isn't should be looking at it as a range. if you indulge and eat a little more than usual you have to realize you're going to have more inherent waste in your system...that shows up on the scale. you will also retain more water which is where the bloat comes from.

    my guess is that you're probably trying to maintain some specific number which is going to be pretty much impossible.
  • michellesz
    michellesz Posts: 428 Member
    I don't indulge like it's my last weekend or meal on earth (lol). I try to maintain some composure but fit in some food items I may not prefer I eat during the week, a yummy meal or a treat & still try to fit in activity. After eating healthy I may sometimes treat myself to an indulgence but my body let's me know afterward that it wasn't such a good idea. Everything in moderation & love me some skinny margaritas :) This way I felt I got it out of my system and don't feel the guilt after. Also most splurges probably have sodium and hydrating is always a good idea. If it helps, don't look at the scale immediately after the weekend :)
  • pineapple_peach10
    pineapple_peach10 Posts: 239 Member
    I know what you mean! After I eat anything that's high in fat, sodium, etc I instantly feel like I've gained 10lbs. Not to mention the upset stomach that tends to hang around for days as well.

    I still try to socialize and enjoy myself but I try not to fly off the rails too much. I also really try to increase water intake during "off" times