I'm hungry. How am I meant to continue this?



  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    stargirl85 wrote:
    Its (sic) 1200 calories if I'm aiming for 1 lb loss a week and 1350 if it's half a pound.
    If you have so little to lose to get to a healthy weight/BMI, aim for 0.5 lb per week maximum.
    1 lb per month would be reasonable.
    If you're already at a healthy weight/BMI, it's going to be even harder to lose weight.

    At 5'3", a healthy weight range is 105 - 135 lb.

    At 30 yo and inactive, that would mean a calorie range of 1206 - 1342 to maintain weight.
    That calculator from the Baylor College of Medicine will also tell you how many servings of the food groups
    you should eat to maintain weight.

    To lose weight, cut 250 cal/day from maintenance.

    I can't exercise ... I don't want to make myself more ill.
    You don't need to exercise to lose weight, just eat fewer calories than your body needs to run.
    Exercise helps you be healthy, fit, strong, etc., and is essential to maintaining weight loss.
    Talk with your doctor about what's reasonable to expect to be able to do (both for exercise & as a weight goal).

    from September onwards it will be colder and I will probably be cooked meals with more calories and no salads
    Or you can tell your caregiver(s) what you want to eat. They work for you, right?
    If they're unwilling to follow orders, get new caregivers.
    You could also get your doctor to tell their agency to tell them to feed you healthier foods.
    Or, eat less of what you're served when it's high-cal or unhealthy.

    Aim for high bulk & low calorie.
    In summer, gazpacho would be tasty & low-cal. For cooler weather, heat up your vegetable soup.
    Salads in any weather, but beware of the high-cal toppings: cheese, regular salad dressing, etc.
    Lean proteins work in any season: chicken, trimmed beef or pork, fish, beans, lentils, eggs.
    Lotsa vegetables, though go easy on the simple starches (go for yams instead of white potatos, for example -
    more nutrition, more fiber, slow carbs).

    Helpful links/info:

    For a discussion/explanation of healthy macro ranges:

    carbs, 45 - 65% of calories (4 cal per gram)
    fat, 20 - 35% of calories (9 cal per gram)
    protein, 10 - 35% of calories (4 cal per gram)

    For 950 cal/day (that's maintenance - 250), that would be:
    carbs 428 - 618 cal (107 - 154 g)
    fat 190 - 333 cal (21 - 37 g)
    protein 95 - 333 cal (24 - 83 g)

    Going higher on the fat & protein will help you feel less hungry for longer.
    Try to get the carbs from high-fiber low-cal foods.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    drink water, lots
  • JMC3Terp
    JMC3Terp Posts: 2,803 Member
    When I'm hungry I drink and eat more often. 8-10 cups a water every day and 5-6 small meals are ranging around 200 calories each and spread about 2 to 3 hours apart.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    If you want to snack, find things which are low-cal, high in mouth feel, take a long time to chew, etc.

    Yesterday with lunch I had an 8-oz bag of sugar snap peas dipped in several T of fat-free ranch dressing.
    Took me a while to eat, had flavor, crunch, small pieces kept my hands occupied...

    Pretty much any non-starch veggie will do, and there are a variety of fat-free salad dressings for dipping.
    Or if you have some calories to spare, hummus (with most veggies) or peanut butter (with celery) are good.

    Again, low-cal soup is helpful. It fills you up with heavy water, gives you nutrition.
  • GoDrink
    GoDrink Posts: 5 Member
    Good Thread... im not hungry because I eat lol... my concern is what to eat....i need satisfying tasy low to.moderate calorie ideas lol
  • stargirl85
    stargirl85 Posts: 50 Member
    1.) Eat more bulk.
    2.) You can exercise without standing up. Do chair exercises.

    There are very few chronic illnesses that are not improved by gentle exercises. And with those, you usually shouldn't be dieting at all!

    I am doing stretches from my bed. I don't think it's burning calories but it's a step in the right direction for my health.

  • stargirl85
    stargirl85 Posts: 50 Member
    headofphat wrote: »
    Sometimes you have to do a little suffering to let your body find it's new norm.

    I know you're hungry and you want to eat but let me ask you this....when you weren't watching your calories and gaining weight did you ever eat even when you weren't hungry? Probably so. Bad choices got you where you are, now your good choices are going to come with a little pain at first. The truth is when you change your lifestyle and eat right your body will adjust and you won't be hungry all the time. As a matter of fact, I'm rarely hungry. I generally eat because I know that I'm supposed to be eating something not because I'm feeling hungry.

    Power through it, you'll like the results better than giving into temptation and having regrets.

    Yep I actually thought of this myself. (thumbs up symbol... There isn't one)